
...Keskiviikko 10.11.2010 09:55

You're my world

...Tiistai 09.11.2010 21:11

Mutta mä rakastan sua..

</3Maanantai 08.11.2010 18:26

I had everything but now I have nothing. And that's all my falt.

</3Maanantai 08.11.2010 18:06

This time I think I'm to blame
It's harder to get through the days
We get older and blame turns to shame
'Cause everything inside it never comes out right
And when I see you cry it makes me wanna die

</3Sunnuntai 07.11.2010 17:42

Pitikö mennä tekemään jotain sellaista? Ei pitänyt..

</3Sunnuntai 07.11.2010 17:37

I'm girl with a broken heart and it's all my falt.

</3Sunnuntai 07.11.2010 17:10

You will never find someone like me.. someone so stupid like me..

</3Sunnuntai 07.11.2010 16:52

I have never done so big mistake than I did yesterday.

</3Sunnuntai 07.11.2010 16:28

What ever happen, I will remember you the best thing in my fuckin' life

</3Sunnuntai 07.11.2010 14:57

Please, don't leave me