



Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

-laurawSunnuntai 20.03.2011 13:06

Ooh you make me live
Whatever this world can give to me
It's you you're all I see
Ooo you make me live now honey
Ooo you make me live

Ooh you're the best friend that I ever had
I've been with you such a long time
You're my sunshine and I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you
Oh you're my best friend


-Sunnuntai 20.03.2011 00:16

I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

!Lauantai 19.03.2011 23:58

Put your ass in the air, put your ass up in the air.

ohohohohohohoohohLauantai 19.03.2011 23:20


bombombombomLauantai 19.03.2011 16:57

koht ulos vähä sekoileen 8)

huu : )Lauantai 19.03.2011 13:46

eiline oli aik jeeeees ( ::

MJOO !!! 9..Torstai 17.03.2011 20:19

KHEEEEE !! ! ( ;
joku on ihana ( ; <3

; )Torstai 17.03.2011 01:20

10 yötä <3

JOOOOOOOO=?!!???????Tiistai 15.03.2011 02:12

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOOOOOOHHHH !
hulluks tuun ihan just oikeesti (8

R.I.P. Piki : < 13.1.2006-13.3.2011Sunnuntai 13.03.2011 20:52

Piki R.I.P.