-And then there's one more important thing. What is it?
-How about you asked?
-..oh, yeah... What is it?
-Well that's a good question! The thing is, how do we destroy our enemy here in army.
-First, we take our iron fist *macho pose* and then I take the enemy down with this... THIS, rock solid army boot. Made in China, btw.
I went down on mount Rusmore and saw MacGYVEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
And he's all like 'ZOMG'.
And then Jack Thompson comes up to me and he's all like 'may the rats eat yooouurr EEYYEESSS!!!
And I'm all like 'Is this some sort of christian magic?
And officer Stalin comes up to me and he's all like 'BAKA!'