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sobsobTorstai 17.05.2007 04:34
on se kumma kun ei pysty ei kykene muuhun ku tekeen angstaavia amv:itä...

tättärätäädätääTiistai 15.05.2007 21:04

Hannan elämä episode 3472897: Skannerin paluu

paras biisi xDSunnuntai 13.05.2007 03:43

Harry Potter spent his Summers waiting for the Fall
He'd count the days, and dream each night of Hogwarts' distant call
The Dursley's, Harry's relatives, were wretched as can be-a
He prayed each night to Satan that they'd die from gonhorrea

But one day he recieved a note that Hogwarts had burned down
"Oh no!" he cried, and quickly donned a disappointed frown
He trashed his room and tore his books, and then went for his trunk
But Dumbledore popped out and bellowed, "Harry! You've been PUNK'D!"

Harry stared in disbelief at Dumbledore's old smirk
He knew it was joke, but he got pissed and went berserk
He threw the old man to the ground and punched him in the beard
He pinned him down with all his weight, and that's when it got weird

Dumbledore was smiling as young Harry sat on top
He made a funny noise and ordered Harry not to stop
But Harry got freaked out and threw a large book at his head
And Dumbledore stopped moving, it seemed Dumbledore was dead

Run, Harry, run, Harry, run!
You killed your headmaster, now your problem's just begun
Run, Harry, run, Harry, run!
Who can fend off Voldemort now?
No one

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 11.05.2007 18:32

Kissaa taluttamaan!!

Olen matoKeskiviikko 09.05.2007 21:01

- Hanna

2. GANGSTA NIMESI: (ekat 3 kirjainta etunimestä plus izzle.)
- Hanizzle

3.ETSIVÄNIMESI: (lempiväri ja lempieläin)
- Punainen kissa

4. SAIPPUAOOPPERANIMESI: (toinen nimesi ja tämän hetkinen sijaintipaikka)
- Riikka Nousiainen

5. STAR WARS NIMESI: (ekat 3 kirjainta sukunimestä, ekat 2 kirjainta etunimestä, ekat 3 kirjainta äidin tyttönimestä)
- Niehatei

6. SUPERSANKARINIMESI: (toinen lempivärisi, lempidrinkkisi).
- Keltainen Muumipappa :''DDD

7. IRAQ-NIMESI: (1 kirjain etunimestä, 3 kirjainta sukunimestä, mikä tahansa kirjain toisesta nimestä, 2 kirjain äidin tyttönimestä, 3 kirjainta isän toisesta nimestä, 1 kirjain siskon/veljen nimestä, viimeinen kirjain äidin toisesta nimestä)
- hnieitemato ----MATO!!

8. ILOTYTTÖNIMESI: ( ensimmäinen adjektiivi mikä mieleesti tulee ja sinua lähimmän olevan ihmisen parhaan ystävän nimi )
- Eläimellinen Mervi (äiti lähimpänä...)

9. INTIAANINIMESI: (lempiväri ja lemmikkisi nimi)
- Punainen Nano

Arrancars<3Tiistai 08.05.2007 23:43

The Arrancars are for porn
The Arrancars are for porn
Got no souls
But got great holes for

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.05.2007 23:19

tulipas siitä naisellinen 8''DDD

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 08.05.2007 20:44

nyt mä piirrän sen helvetin geisha uken...

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.05.2007 01:01

I had a friend, he taught his dog to be a master of disguise. well, the dog ran away. And then one day, he learned that his long time lover was actually his dog!! Hojoo!!

Have you ever killed anyone you weren't supposed to kill?
-yeah, I do that all the time. They shouldn't have named so many kids trevon in the 90's.

Do you ever get tired of being a ninja?
-Do you ever get tired of being alive?!!?