


Im not Jesus


- Vanhemmat »

IhmeSunnuntai 27.05.2007 03:36

Että oon menny missaa Hinder nimisen bändin. Voi mua raukkaa...

HittoPerjantai 25.05.2007 04:38

Epäilen että naapurissani asuu maailman huonoin kitaristi, joka ei sävelkorvan lisäksi taida omistaa edes kelloa :(

pöhPerjantai 25.05.2007 01:24

Ruusuilla on tapana kuihtua, siksi ne kannattaa istuttaa ja kostuttaa.

Nothing Else MattersMaanantai 21.05.2007 17:14

So close no matter how far
Couldnt be much more from the heart
Forever trusting who we are
And nothing else matters

Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way
All these words I dont just say
And nothing else matters

Trust I seek and I find in you
Every day for us something new
Open mind for a different view
And nothing else matters

Never cared for what they do
Never cared for what they know
But I know

piipLauantai 12.05.2007 02:33

In this life, I'm searching for the reasons.
How to learn to realize, things we feel inside.
Oh, why I have these strange emotions.
And the answeres that I found.
They're not enough for me.

It's time we're reaching out for more.
It's time we're reaching out for love.
Well, it's time to realize what are we for.
'Cos it's time to realize what are we for.

And now I've gathered all the answers.
Now I've learnt to realize, learnt to let go.
Arise, so you can feel it in you.
My search has come to an end, or has it just begun?

*lisää mekintöjä*Tiistai 06.03.2007 05:06

Kuihtumista, kuolemista
vanhojen lastujen vuolemista
Seinään maalattuja maisemia
pölyisiä, haisevia

Luulet että tunkkaan turrut
kaadut maahan, itket, murrut
Kuolet kerran, toisenkin
kunnes hautaat toivonkin

Mielen synkeillä raunioilla
hiljaisilla, autioilla
havahdut höyhenten havinaan
katsot taakse, siivet näet siellä

Olet enkeli ja taivastiellä
Hautaa murhe, rakasta
kokeile siipiäsi, lennä
olet vapaa, ei kukaan kiellä

*merkintöjä*Perjantai 16.02.2007 11:13

When I sing to you
May it be just like Im pouring perfume
All over your feet just after shedding my own tears
Upon them to wash them
Drying with my own hair
And Im steadily kissing your feet

Because Ive been forgiven much
Because Ive been forgiven of so much
Because Ive been forgiven much
Ive been forgiven much

When I live for you
May it be just like Im pouring perfume
All over your feet just after shedding my own tears
Upon them to wash them
Drying with my own hair
And Im steadily kissing your feet

Look at my sin look at my sin
But look at her love look at her love
Cause where my sin abounds her love abounds even more
- Vanhemmat »