
if you, then i don't. ★Tiistai 20.03.2012 11:55

You think you know me well
But no one ever does
Get to know me
Hey, what's the rush?
Get to know me but please, not too close
Get to know me but please, without your clothes
You can fall asleep, and stay awake
You can hit the gas, and still push the brake
You can find out more
Or you can go find the door
You can find out more
Before it's too late!
Sometimes I think that you're the one that I should choose
Sometimes I lose control, I don't know what to do
Sometimes I make the same mistakes that I used to
Sometimes it's smarter not to be bothered by you
I don't care what you say
Your words are lies to me
I don't care what you say
Your words are lies to me

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