
Lauantai 05.05.2012 21:38

Well I heard it on the late night radio
For the umpteenth time headin' from LA to the Florida coast
I was between black coffee and shiftin' gears
When the second verse took a turn and brought me to tears
They were talkin' about love, I do and forever
And how two people ought to stay together
Well the music hit me but the singer's got it all wrong
Unwrite that song
Unwrite that song
'Cause what he's saying to me don't go with that melody
Unsing them lines about those happy times
Don't they know she's gone
Unwrite that song
Well it was 3 AM and she was cryin' and her eyes were all red
When that music video came on and she sat up in her bed
She grabbed that whiskey bottle
Poured one last shot
And threw that empty glass at the TV and screamed
Unwrite that song
Unwrite that song
'Cause what he's saying to me don't go with that melody
Unsing them lines about those happy times
Don't they know he's gone
Unwrite that song
Well there was a time that I believed
All those words were true
And if I had a pen and paper right now
I know what I'd do...
Unwrite that song
Unwrite that song
'Cause what he's saying to me don't go with that melody
Unsing them lines about those happy times
Don't they know he's gone
Unwrite that song
Lord I know she's gone
Unwrite that song
Unwrite our song

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