


Leikin Mielelläni

Vitun vittuMaanantai 13.07.2009 21:57

Joudun lähtee riparilta kesken kaiken..
Tuli eilen 40 astetta kuumetta, ^^
ja seuraavana aamuna, eli tänään, ne lähetti mut himaan..

ja nyt tuli puhelu, et ne vaatii, et mä menisin sairaalaan, koska ne epäilee että mulla on sika-influenssa..

Vittu mäki teit..

RipariKeskiviikko 08.07.2009 11:07

Gone for a week ^^

nuts = stunSunnuntai 05.07.2009 20:20

Mä vahingossa koko tuolin..

eeeepic win :-D

munkaa ei kannata puhuu meses..Sunnuntai 05.07.2009 03:23

Karhu sanoo:
ja kuis "maybe" late ? onks sil jtn muut vientii?

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no se menee huomenna

Karhu sanoo:

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no huomenna
i accidentally the whole chair
mä vahingossa koko hyllyn
tai tuolin

Karhu sanoo:
mitä vittua!?

CeeHoo- sanoo:

Karhu sanoo:
kuin varmaa se on et tuutte sinne huome?

CeeHoo- sanoo:
me vahingossa koko tuoli

Karhu sanoo:

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no vahingossa koko tuoli

Karhu sanoo:
mun pää räjähtää
monelt tulisitte sinne?
ollaaa josen kaa siel jossai ennen yhtä?

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no kello vahingossa
mä vahingossa koko hyllyn
tai tuolin ;D

Karhu sanoo:

CeeHoo- sanoo:
mä vahingossa koko melonin
ne vahingossa mutis
mutis xD..

ei ollu tylsää ei ^^

Shopping spree :-DKeskiviikko 01.07.2009 01:50

vihreet kengät
vihreet lasit
vihree/valkone paita
vihree/valkoset shortsit
vihree lätsä


Gorilla Zoe - Echo Torstai 25.06.2009 14:25

You did it to yourself
Now your all by yourself
Actin' like you hate me
I left because you made me
You played me to the left
Now there's nobody left
To hear your complaining
I'm gone
And all you're hearing is your own

And I'm gone and you're all alone
Can't you hear the (hear the)
No one to hear you
It's nobody near you (near you)

It started off great
But who was to know
[? ]
And not be let go
You say it's my fault
OK then I'll go
It's better to know
Now it's nobody to argue with
Cause I'm not home
Don't care who you're with
Don't call my phone
Or did you forget
You know you're wrong
I'm gone (gone)
And you're all alone hearin' your own damn

And I'm gone and you're all alone
Can't you hear the (hear the)
Nobody near you
It's no one to hear you

Disgusted with trust
I'm just knowing no more
Just went with the flow
Found myself on the low
When you went away
All my pain went astray
Like it's a new day
Now I have no one to argue with
Cause I'm not home
Don't care who you're with
Don't call my phone
Or did you forget
You know you're wrong
I'm gone (gone)
And you're all alone hearin' your own damn

E-cho (hearin' your own damn)
No one is near you
No one can hear you
It's your own damn
No one to hear you
It's nobody near you

All night long I thought to myself
Why would I stay with you (with you)
Realized that you were the one who had issues
So why would I miss you? (miss you)
To argue with cause I'm not home
Don't care who you're with
Don't call my phone
Or did you forget
You know you're wrong
I'm gone (gone)
And you're all alone hearin' your own damn

E-cho (it's just you and your)
E-E-cho (it's just you and your)
I hope you're talkin' alone
It's just you and your
E-cho (just you and your)
It's no one to hear you
It's nobody near you
It's your own damn
E-cho (your own damn)



Echo E-E-Echo

To argue with cause I'm not home
Don't care who you're with
Don't call my phone
Or did you forget
You know you're wrong
I'm gone (gone 4x)
CeeHoo- sanoo:
an sentti... Lol <-- mitä toi meinaa ?

EEmeli. sanoo:
ei mitä

CeeHoo- sanoo:
No miks sä sit sen kommasit Huoh xDD

EEmeli. sanoo:
no miksi en lol

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no ookoo

EEmeli. sanoo:
no ku radannimi on milli ni sanoin että sentti
CeeHoo- sanoo:
nonii eli se tarkotti jotai

EEmeli. sanoo:
no ei?

CeeHoo- sanoo:
säki oot kyl yks jänis

EEmeli. sanoo:
no ei se mun mielestä mitä meinaa kuhan sanoin vaa

EEmeli. sanoo:
ite oot pussiorava

CeeHoo- sanoo:
nii eli se tarkotti jotai O.o

EEmeli. sanoo:
no eihän tarkottanu

CeeHoo- sanoo:
ja mikä vittu on pussiorava

EEmeli. sanoo:

CeeHoo- sanoo:
ei sellast oo

EEmeli. sanoo:
no on^^

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no eihä,
ehkä joku pussikenguru mut mikä pussiorava hää

EEmeli. sanoo:
pussikengurua ei oo

CeeHoo- sanoo:
eikä jänistä

EEmeli. sanoo:
niil on pussi muttei sitä nimeen tu

CeeHoo- sanoo:
no mistä pussioravan nimi tulee

EEmeli. sanoo:
no sil on pussi

CeeHoo- sanoo:
ai oravalla ?

EEmeli. sanoo:
eiku pussioravalla

CeeHoo- sanoo:
mitä eroo on pussioraval ja oraval hä ?=

EEmeli. sanoo:
pussiorava on pussiorava

EEmeli. sanoo:
sil on kai pussi

EEmeli. sanoo:
eiku lol se taitaaki olla pussirotta

CeeHoo- sanoo:
noni vittu xD

EEmeli. sanoo:
no mekein sama asia

Lupe FiascooTorstai 18.06.2009 18:48

Shinning Down


EGGS :-DPerjantai 12.06.2009 14:12

6 little eggs on the run they f*ck each other three goes boomdubi dom watch out be safe so 3 little eggs had sex 1 win and 2 explode goes boom dubi dom watch out be safe so 2 little eggs in the sun one sleep too long goes boom boom boom dubi dom the story ends with 1 little egg was blind make suicide with pen bomb boom dubi dom another story come

Carter :-DTorstai 11.06.2009 23:34

Dear mr. toilet,
im the shit
