You're not like the others,
You're not so selfish in your needs,
But still you care about yourself.
You're not like the other girls,
You're not so arrogant,
But still proud of yourself.
You're not like any other,
You're the one I love,
But you have that feeling too.
Back to the egg, back to the simpliest poems ever made. :)
Np. The Rasmus - Not Like The Other Girls.
Edit. Ja ne vitun copyrightit on. :)
Edit. Miksen voi tuntea yksinkertaisesti normaaleja ihmisiä?
Ruusunnuppu Kultahippu sanoo:
Chakra || Raise your fingers for one last salute. sanoo:
Jos jätetään väliin.
Ruusunnuppu Kultahippu sanoo:
hö. no okei.
Chakra || Raise your fingers for one last salute. sanoo:
Ruusunnuppu Kultahippu sanoo:
No mitä me sit tehää?
Chakra || Raise your fingers for one last salute. sanoo:
Ruusunnuppu Kultahippu sanoo:
Miks ei nussittais?
Kuka kertoo kuka tuo Ruusunnuppu on, minä en tiiä.