


Eyeliner and cigarettes...

Fashiontoast <3Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 20:17

Songs I Could Listen To Over and Over

-Velvet Underground, Stephanie Says
-Jimmy Eat World, Kill
-Arcade Fire, My Body is a Cage
-Bettie Serveert, Lover I Don't Have to Love
-The Dandy Warhols, Bohemian Like You
-Oasis, Sunday Morning Call
-Our Lady Peace, Thief
-Saves the Day, Freakish

What ever tomorrow brings...Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 17:22

<3 S & D <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.04.2009 03:42

must B white<3 B&C <3

lilbit cheesy I know :P but still <3Sunnuntai 15.03.2009 18:18

Dear Friend, what's on your mind
You don't laugh the way you used to
But I've noticed how you cry
Dear friend, I feel so helpless
I see you sit in silence
As you face new pain each day
I feel there's nothing I can do
I know you don't feel pretty
Even though you are
But it wasn't your beauty
That found room in my heart

Dear friend, you are so precious Dear Friend

Dear friend, I'm here for you
I know that you don't talk too much
But we can share this day anew
Dear Friend, please don't feel like you're alone
There is someone who is praying
Praying for your peace of mind
Hoping joy is what you'll find
I know you don't feel weak
Even though you are
But it wasn't your strength
That found room in my heart
Dear friend, you are so precious, Dear Friend

<3 for someone special <3

can't wait!Sunnuntai 15.02.2009 16:54

Tulis kesä jo niin kaikki olis paremmin :(

shut the fuck up and dance!Keskiviikko 04.02.2009 01:21

Ostin tosiaan ton iphonen ja haluisin kuollakseni nyt käyttää ja leikkii sillä mut se toimii vasta viikonpäästä!!!! ääärrrrrrr
kuolen ku se tossa kuumottaa...! ihana ihana niin nätti ja valkonen ja kiiltävä ja kaikkee<3 ;)

viikonpäästä joudun ryhtyy tunnolliseksi koululaiseksi! :o hah

nyt pitää tehä paljon hommii et saan taas rahaa ja sit voin mennä taas hollantiin ;) jei


<3 xxxx <3

HollaaaaLauantai 31.01.2009 19:38

Holland holland im not coming home.....!!!! <3

Jazzed up!Keskiviikko 28.01.2009 13:31

Lähen hollantiin Ineksen luo tos tunnin päästä
kävin just suihkussa ja istun edelleen täs yöpuku pääl :O
vois olla ehkä jotai parempaaki tekemist? :P eeii!

Paljon oli suunnitelmia ja tekemistä, jee kuullostaa hyvältä...
koitetaas tehä tästä taas paras reissu tähän mennessä sinne ;)
kukkuu! nyt pitäs tehä ittestää ihmisen näköne ja pakkaa loppuu... :D

the Wreckers - stand still look pretty <3Keskiviikko 03.12.2008 15:29

I want to paint my face
And pretend that I am someone else
Sometimes I get so fed up
I don't even want to look at myself

But people have problems that are worse than mine
I don't want you to think I'm complaining all the time
And I hate the way you look at me I have to say
I wish I could start over

I am slowly falling apart
I wish you'd take a walk in my shoes for a start
You might think it's easy being me
You just stand still, look pretty

Sometimes I find myself shaking
In the middle of the night
And then it hits me and I can't
Even believe this is my life

But people have problems that are worse than mine
I don't want you to think I'm complaining all the time
And I wish that everyone would go and shut their mouths
I'm not strong enough to deal with it


Sweet home alakilo!!!Perjantai 17.10.2008 20:04

Mä oon himassa ja tänään bailataan!!