


~ J'aime la petite mort ~

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 22.05.2009 18:08

Little girl all alone in the world~
with noone to love,and noone to be loved by~

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.05.2009 18:38

O.O twins?

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.05.2009 02:25

Vittujen vittu ku vituttaa ja potuttaa kaikki ja itteni ja vittu! >_<


miks tää on aina tällästä....

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 20.05.2009 22:07

We're living depressing times - I mean i am ;_;

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 20.05.2009 21:51

The cars are going to nowhere
But today you're taking the Metro
And while trying to escape from love
You see his features in every man face.
Perhaps, he is now with another girl
And he could've been with you,
But you wait for "real" love
And skip his calls.
Girl doesn't sleep and doesn't see any dreams
Cause she likes him, and she likes him
I know, you're prepared to do anything for her
So take this beauty with you!
Doesn't matter - loves or not
You want to see the sunrise with him
And look into his eyes
And sink in his love
Perhaps, that's just dreams
But you aren't afraid to dream.
You're afraid of loosing your mind
While waiting for his call.

DAMN U HEART! I'll just carve you from my chest and bury you ;O

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 20.05.2009 21:20

M: Kuunteleksä J-Rockia?
D: E :o
M: AAaaiii,mä ihan luulin! No ei sitte :D
D: ;DD

-pari likkaa huutaa vaa et Diana-
-oon sit iha et o.o?-
-sit meen sinne paikalle ja oon et ? :o-

M: Niin et pistäisin sut suoraa johki Digimonii
D: XD Aijaaa :o kui?
M: Noku oot tommone....tommone :D
D: vainniiin ^_~ kiva sitte xP
P: Hieno satanistiristi
D: kiits xP
M: =O ooksä satanisti?
D: yeah
M: o.o..........Screeeeeepy! :D
D: xD
M: Mikä sun elämänfilosofia on?
D: No sellane et jumalia ei oo,mut sit taas uskon melkee kaikkeen muuhu yliluonnolliseen =o
M: Aaaaa!
D: Eli periaattees Ateismia mut harvat ateistit uskoo mihkää yliluonnolliseen niin....Satanisti:D
M: Aaaaiiiivaann :o
D: Ja sit jotkut Satanistit pitää sellasia hienoja menoja joista ne saa jotai outoa mielihyvää :D
M: No eiks seksi muka kelpaa?
D: Nii mut jossei saa seksiä :o
M: Uskotsä saatanaan?
D: No en periaattees,se on siis pelkkä esikuva
D: Tai siis metafora :D
M: aaaAAaAAAAAaa :D

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.05.2009 23:34

Paras keskustelunaihe ikinä XD

K: -läpsäsee mua käsivartee silllee hienosti lujaa-
D: Ahhhh!
K: LOL,jos tommosest vedät tollasen ääne nii miltäköhä äänii pidät sängys ja sillonku saat jonku orgasmin? ^_~
D: Hyvä kysymys :o XDDD

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.05.2009 23:26

The cars are going to nowhere
But today you're taking the Metro
And while trying to escape from love
You see his features in every man face.

Perhaps, he is now with another girl
And he could've been with you,
But you wait for "real" love
And skip his calls.

Girl doesn't sleep and doesn't see any dreams
Cause she likes him, and she likes him
I know, you're prepared to do anything for her
So take this beauty with you!

Doesn't matter - loves or not
You want to see the sunrise with him
And look into his eyes
And sink in his love

Perhaps, that's just dreams
But you aren't afraid to dream.
You're afraid of loosing your mind
While waiting for his call.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 18.05.2009 22:52

Vittu itkin silmät päästäni ;_______;