


~ J'aime la petite mort ~

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 10.12.2009 02:38

- Swine flu vaccination has never been tested before they started brainwashing people to take it

-It's proven to have adjuvants,that cause autism and other neurological disorders

- ingredients used in the vaccine are derived from the kidneys of African Green Monkeys who are first infected with the virus, then allowed to fester the disease, and then are killed so that their diseased organs can be used make vaccine ingredients.

- a nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist -- told that their column on natural defenses for swine flu was rejected by newspapers all across the country. Many newspapers refused to run the column and, instead, ran an ad for "free vaccine clinics" in the same space.
(Meaning they intentionally want people to take the friggin vaccine,hmm - i wonder why's that?) still wanna take that vaccine?

Instead....wouldn't u like want to safely get rid of the swine flu?
Well,i happen to know that eating lots of food and fruits with lots of vitamin C will help you get rid of it meaning it boosts your immune system,wouldn't that be awesum? And u wouldnt have to suffer from that stupid vaccine?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 09.12.2009 22:36

Pelaaks kukaa Jade Dynastyy? =DDD <333
meinaa latasin sen

jos kiinnosti...... x3333

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 09.12.2009 22:32

Oikeesti halveksun onnellisia pareja,tietenki oon silleen
et awwwww oottepas söpöjä ihania awwieee <3333

mut todellisuudessa "vittuun siitä perkele ei kiinnosta -.-"

Oikeesti onko ihan pakko tulla hehkuttaan sellasille jotka on iha yksi satana ja lisätä niide ahdistuneisuutta?

FU oikeesti....

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 09.12.2009 21:13

"Notably, there is absolutely no safety data on the use of adjuvants in infants and expectant mothers -- the two groups being most aggressively targeted by the swine flu vaccine pushers. The leads us to the disturbing conclusion that the swine flu vaccine could be a modern medical disaster. It's untested and un-tried. Its ingredients are potentially quite dangerous, and the adjuvants being used in the European vaccines are suspected of causing neurological disorders."

Orgasming heartKeskiviikko 09.12.2009 00:44

Arvatkaa kuka orgasmoi?
ps.minä,tai siis en ainakaan minä 8]]]]] *Q*****


ery5thgeTiistai 08.12.2009 21:05

oon kyl nii helvetin hyvä säästään rahaa :D jää taas enstilipäivänä ehk 15e kuukauden ruokarahaks 8DDddDD

re5tjukymfhgtdTiistai 08.12.2009 20:54

oon iha kävelevä mansikka nytte ku käytii bodishopis vähä testailemas tuoksuja 8DDDDDD

kaikkia kiinnosti <3 D:

8<<<<<<Maanantai 07.12.2009 00:53

OMGOMG toi mandariininkuori liikahti iteksee!!! enkä liikuttanu sitä vahingoskaa ku se oli varmaa puolenmetrin pääs musta ja pelasin just stepmaniaa aaaaaaaaaaaa en uskalla nukkuu >m<

doiheusgsiofSunnuntai 06.12.2009 22:48

no voihan pussinorsu :/

möwwwSunnuntai 06.12.2009 21:37

Btw värjään ehk oranssiks hiukset x3 tai sellasiks toffeeoransseiks *o*
ku oon taas vaihteeks kyllästyny näihi mustii ;//