


~ J'aime la petite mort ~

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 05.04.2010 21:54

AIVANNNN ihana biisi ♥_♥ Soviet Russia ftw ;P

Ljubluuuu ♥♥

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 05.04.2010 15:49

Eli nyt se on päätetty,tiistain must tulee punapää xPPP

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.04.2010 05:17

minä ja nico tos alus <333 :DDDD
I grew up with that cartoon ♥♥

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 31.03.2010 16:51

Kirjoita seuraavat lauseet omalla puhetyylilläsi:
1. Hei ystävät, linja-auto lähtee varttitunnin päästä! Pitäkää kiirettä!
2. Mentäisiinkö tänään Hennes&Mauritzille ostoksille?
- Mennääääää HOOÄMMÄÄN sohoppaan? =D
3. IRC-Galleria on paras internetsivusto!
- Gallleria on parsa <3
4. Paljon naurua!
- roflmao :D
5. Ostettaisiinko näitä karamelleja?
- Ostetaaks näit qarqqei?
6. Salatut Elämät alkavat kohta!
- salqqarit alkaaaaa khot xd
7. Voi hyvän tähden! Minä sain tästä kokeesta iivarin!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 29.03.2010 00:43

RUAHHH haluun blondit hiukset ><<< sen jälkee ehk punaset tai viininpunaset jotka haihtuessaan muuttuu karkkipinkeiks =DD

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 25.03.2010 20:28

voi vittujen vittu saatana ku mul oli pyykkivuoro 18.00-19.00 ja jos 18.15 mennes ei oo ketää nii vuoro siirtyy seuraavalle nii vittu kello o joku 10 yli nii joku ämmä pistäny omat pyykkinsä sinne

Saatana oikeesti mikä huora vittu käytä omat pyykkivuoros ja noudata aikataulusäännöksiä,vitun kullinlutkuttaja -.-''''

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.03.2010 22:13


ja vieläku kuuntelee tota kunnon bassoilla,ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh kostuin <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.03.2010 04:19

Laita playlistisi shufflelle. Ota sieltä 15 ensimmäistä biisiä ja laita näiden biisien nimen perään "in my pants". Nyt siis pitäisi muodostua jotain tosi hauskaa. Ei huijata! Skippaukset sallittu muiden kuin englanninkielisten piisien kohdalla jos haluaa.

1. Diva in my pants
2. Too much heaven in my pants
3. Fashion in my pants
4. Feel Good Inc. In my pants
5. Set me free in my pants
6. Nobody in my pants
7. Shut the FUCK up in my pants
8. U in my pants <---- XDd
9. Sleep in my pants
10. Ah in my pants
11. White light in my pants
12. Rock show in my pants
13. The sweetest melody in my pants
14. Like a candy in my pants
15. Bailamos in my pants

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.03.2010 09:28

whii tänää työkkärii =DD
ja oon valvonu koko yön eikä mua ees väsytä yhtää wtff ADrnelaninene in my veins!11! oot söpöjaihanailuvv u <3

LOOOVVEEEE ihanabiisi ♥

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.03.2010 03:21

How cute are you?
[x] You are smaller than the others of your age.
[ ] You like pink or purple.
[ ] You wear skirts.
[x] You love stuffed toys.
[ ] You have more than 100 stuffed animals.
[ ] Your pillow sheet has flowers on it.
[ ] You act younger than you are.
[ ] You love fairy tales.
[x] People said that you are cute
Total: 3
[ ] You are waiting for a hero.
[x] You believe in unicorns.
[x] You believe in fairies.
[..of hell :Dx] You wanna be an angel.
[ ] You believed longer than the other children in Santa Claus.
[ ] You still believe in Santa Claus.
[ ] You have a princess bed.
[ ] Your bed has a canopy.
[x] You always dressed as princess to carnival/Halloween.
[ ] You liked to put make up on as a child.
Total: 4
[x] You love Hello Kitty/Sanrio stuff.
[x] You played with dolls.
[x] You owned a doll house.
[x] People said that you look younger than you really are.
[x] You owned or own rabbits, guinea pigs or chinchillas.
[x] You love animals.
[x] You are romantic.
[x] You love moon shine.
[x] When you get a sudden kiss, you blush.
[/] You blush when someone says he likes you.
Total: 9½
[x] You love frills and ribbons on your clothes.
[ ] You put stuff or real flowers in your hair.
[x] You nearly always smile.
[x] You try to make people happy.
[x] You respect your parents.
[ ] You try to see the good in people and the world.
[ ] You have been called naive.
[x] You have a unicorn poster.
[ ] You like TV shows for children.
[x] You love Disney Movies.
Total: 6
[/] You like books for children.
[ ] You like movies with happy end.
[ ] You are kind and behave good.
[ ] You are nearly never bitchy.
[x] You like cute shoes.
[ ] You respect elders.
[ ] You try to be good.
[ ] You cry when someone dies.
[ ] You get depressed by the evening news.
[ ] You can't watch scary movies.
Total: 1½
[x] You cry too when someone cries next to you.
[x] You like books with pictures in it.
[x] You love beautiful things.
[ ] You have butterfly jewelry.
[ ] You draw flowers and butterflies in your school notebooks.
[ ] You love movies from the 50/60's.
[ ] You have been to Disney Land or World.
[x] You like amusement parks.
[ ] You have deer eyes.
[/] When you ask your boyfriend or dad for something he always gives to you, cause you are everything for him.
Total: 4½
[x] Adults like you.
[x] You love swings.
[x] You are your grandparents' apple of the eye.
[ ] You like to play skipping rope.
[ ] You like little children.
[ ] You enjoy to play with little children.
[x] You still have your sticker collection.
[x] You still have your glitter picture collection.
[ ] You have animal earrings.
[x] You love sweets.
Total: 6
[ ] You love decorating the christmas tree.
[x] You are still curious what you will get as presents.
[ ] You wished for a ring from your boyfriend.
[/] You love Swarowski stuff.
[/] You love everything that glitters and sparkles.
[ ] You're dreaming of a house with garden.
[/] You wanna have a white wedding dress.
[x] You love weddings.
[ ] You always jump in the arms of your family/ friends when you meet them.
[ ] You hold hands with your best friend
Total: 3½
Real total: 38/79