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Rhimes~Tiistai 03.02.2009 00:26

backo nacho tobacco with a onion stomacho megaman a superman dying for some buritto clan, hurricane mister looking at a sister among with a hinch of easter who doesn't have a feast-er in the mid night silly beaster, long tail kitty cat with a rat and no hat and a bow, with a cow ultimate showdown millions of countdowns death row doesnt flow in a deep burrito playing with a roman dome,
don't sleep in tights wich are full of rusty nights among with cloudy bikes and a tablespoon of rights filled up with knieves, to the dongs with some bongs they like to feel the song from the king to the kong its the ape of the stupid blond who yells and screams to the bottom of dusty streams, following and finding the perfect right timing with monsters and drugsters they are spreding the lusters, with a whip and a splash its out to the trash, a little pig with yellow bike and a rib looking at the bridge, theres this bride with a wife who always looked twice before watching anything nice and hearing a mice he made a double size fries making his wife even taller than the skies.

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