


''Dance is my shortcut to happiness''

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 31.05.2009 14:08

seeing you everyday
makes me feel great

the summer has come
so everyday is the best day

free of school and rules
makes me free and great

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 31.05.2009 13:59


maybe you are the one
who will take me down

in the circle of fighting arena
spectator are cheering to us

when the bell will ring
the fight will begin

we both are running around
waiting for punch and counter

i hitted first
at the face of course

you fall down and get up
faster than turtle

you started rapidly to punch
i was afraid and scared

now i fall down and
the win is yours

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.05.2009 12:53

Waiting for the right day.

Tomorrow is the day,
What i have waited

We both got nice and cute dress,
And we are standing behind the door

When the door opens,
We are holding hands

Walking around and around,
With music and the sound

Music will stop and we are standing hand to hand,
And we both are looking in each others eyes

And i am saying something,
That makes your heart pumping

The music starts again,
We both are dancing again

When the dance ends i am holding you,
And everybody are cheering to us

After you left i wanted to say 3 words to you but i couldn't

Suddenly you came back and kiss me with your soft lips

After that i think i am the happiest guy in world

But it's just the dream i thought...

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.05.2009 02:54


At the start,
I got nothing but the broken heart

When i met you,
My heart got healed little by little

And when we hugged each other,
My heart is more and more better

And when you will kiss me,
My heart will be pumping and jumping

sorry for writing so short poem
it was hard to focus when clock is 00.00
okay almost

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 24.05.2009 15:58


Forest is green,
like i had always seen

Sea is not green,
but is something like clean

Sky is up high,
and you can see the light

The shiny sun is shining,
look at it makes me blind

Sun is so bright,
then i cant see the light

When i look at sun again,
the blackout has started . .

When i close my eyes,
then the light came back

I am so happy,
to see somthing so exiting

head started to working,
making this poem is the journey of me

wasting 10minutes to write this
wasting few second to read this

making you happy is my glory

For The One And OnlySunnuntai 24.05.2009 03:29

my heart pumps rapidly

in 1 sec,
you had said hi

hi back make you laugh

why you are laughing

because you are shaking

on my face and everywhere

you started to hug me

good and sweet, calm and l33t :p

thinking about this poem took me 15min so i havent copied from anywhere

58minLauantai 23.05.2009 21:49

Tusulan järven ympäri Ft. Tazkas^^

To Special OnePerjantai 22.05.2009 18:17

When i see your eyes,
They are so nice

Taking your hand,
And walking with you

The light turns on
And we started to dance

I see you in dress
And think it's the best

Step by step,
We are going further and further

You look like prinsess,
But i just cant say it

When the dance ends,
I have no nothing to do

I thought this is the end,
Then you said it's not

Walking out with you is my dream,
And now i got meaning of living

hmmmm chättäilin kaverin kaa? Perjantai 22.05.2009 01:55

Hatazhix says:
Selvä. says:
Hatazhix says:
mitä tehy tänään?
Selvä. says:
mitäs ite?
Hatazhix says:
little big planet
ulkona jotain
r***e - > !"#¤%
hai zZzZ
sitte himass
Selvä. says:

day results:
Selvä: 5000kcal
Hatazhix: 2000kcal

Breakdacing Torstai 21.05.2009 17:23

Break some things