


parodioi ihmiselämää omallaan

If it were for us to dictate, we'd never part this fragment of life of ours.

Get caught in a loophole.

Employ, enslave, surf.

Live one a moment.


If I had a blog #51 Keskiviikko 30.09.2009 02:07

#51 27.9.2009 4:00

Who might I be when I wake up?


Which man passed, yet none immortal,
leave a trail of crumbs, passers by.

Anything can be a waste of time.


I can merely be the lies I tell.

If I had a blog #50 ReconcilationLauantai 26.09.2009 01:18

We're here tonight because we've lost our hearts.

Should the night take my life,
I want to wake up next to you
like it were before.

Your rage scolds my body.

Move closer,
come back,
leave your nightmare behind,
pacify my visions.

When you're here, still gone, the ripples turn to waves.
I can't touch you.

WinrawrPerjantai 25.09.2009 22:08

24.09.2009 17:30 <Ylläpito> Tervetuloa! Sinut on valittu koekäyttämään uudistettua IRC-Galleriaa osoittessa [--] Sisään pääset [--] . Tarkemmat ohjeet saat sisäänkirjauduttuasi. Huom! Kutsu on henkilökohtainen.


If I had a blog #49 Novel FlightKeskiviikko 23.09.2009 02:50

Novel Flight

If I had a blog #48 Loose EndsKeskiviikko 16.09.2009 00:23

If I had a blog #47 WakeSunnuntai 13.09.2009 04:00

Sweeping the surface
tranquillity in motion.

Something as puny as a droplet
can distort the whole plane.


With time.


I waited.

If I had a blog #46 New Meaning.Lauantai 12.09.2009 03:00

New Life for a Past Tense/
Matthew's Consecration

This is to consecrate a hero,
a soul of a small man,
acknowledgement of things transpired.


There's time stamped on my soul
years we've carried within.


Of all things I value,
of all tracks that took us so far,
of landscapes we've long left behind us.

There still is meaning to be found.
That can't be undone.


There's no me without you,
heads collided.

I wish I could still give you so much more.


I never thought we'd really part.
Two steps back in time.


Looking at you I dive through the years,
time engulfs, flows through me,

When did all this time pass?
When did we set off on paths so separate?
Such were our predestinations?


For the years of our exigency, we needed each other worse.
One of us outgrew,
paths departed.



Now the table lies empty.

A farm clatters desolate,
a jacket hangs never worn.

One day I will learn to shout after you.



But together we were never alone, friend.

We weren't alone.
Expression is the only human magic to remain to date.
There are quite a few common beliefs.

'Art' dominates expression, includes written, visual and audible sectors. Sided by skill 'connect'.

Sound dominates. It has maybe the widest of systematic tables. It wields enormous power since its connection has the capability to become bidirectional even accidentally. Requires the feat of divine attune. Huge differences in natural resistance/vulnerability. Mass amplification through attainment.

Visual art is more powerful than writing to the maker. Touch magic, the effect is entwined in the casting. Non-target. Even low-level casters are seen as a mystic force, even if they had no real effect. Most of the power is illusionary and suggestive.

Writing is more powerful than speech. Writing is the most reliable solution. Touch magic, target self. High skill requirements for non-self targets. Writing is fettered by lingua - perhaps the most limited true possibilities for development.

Speech is more powerful than thought. Enables basic connect. Defines lingual properties. Employed as a tool for other fields. One day we will be free.

Thought is more powerful than instinct [sic]. Thought produces the most intensive expression. All expression is thought.

Instinct is an underlying force, surpasses thought. Instinctive expression is for some unknown reason seen as valuable and "pure" - even in cases artificially stimulated. Instinctive acts feel real. "Natural" magic.

Bullshitting is the basic force behind everything. Big conspiracy. Powered by half a dozen oxen. Produces what appears as expression, speech, thought and writing. Sometimes even a dominating power. Take this business seriously[sic].

Connecting is channelling. Skill of targeting. Connecting can amplify anything, works ubiquitously.