


Always one for sorrow!
Sweet little words made for silence
Not talk
Young heart for love
Not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world

Kiss while your lips are still red
While he`s still silent
Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they`re still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn

First day of love never comes back
A passionate hour`s never a wasted one
The violin, the poet`s hand,
Every thawing heart plays your theme with care

Kiss while your lips are still red
While he`s still silent
Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Hold another hand while the hand`s still without a tool
Drown into eyes while they`re still blind
Love while the night still hides the withering dawn

Mit vittuu mähän oon huomenna 19 o_O"Keskiviikko 06.05.2009 19:39

Vittu et on tylsää perkele -.-Tiistai 05.05.2009 23:43

Bloodbath - EatenMaanantai 04.05.2009 22:10

I've had one desire since I was born
To see my body ripped and torn
To see my flesh devoured before my eyes
I'm here for you, I volunteer as a human sacrifice

Carve me up, slice me apart
Suck my guts and lick my heart
Chop me up, I like to be hurt
Drink my marrow and blood for dessert
My one desire, my only wish is to be-
The longer I live the more I'm dying to feel the pain
I would do anything to be-
My one desire, my only wish is to be-

I finally found you, my personal slaughter
As an appetizer, I let you taste my daughter
Call me sick but this is what I need
My only purpose here is for you to feed

Desecrate me
Tear me limb from limb
Eviscerate me
Chew me to death

My one desire, my only wish is to be-
The longer I live the more I'm dying to feel the pain
I would do anything to be-
My one desire, my only wish is to be-

Today I'm toxicated. KALJAAA!!!Torstai 30.04.2009 13:21