


WOOOOW :) haha :D

:P:P:PTiistai 22.03.2011 22:44

levis/ waterless here i come !!!!! :D :P :P xD
next and more next projects :P

piuuufffMaanantai 21.03.2011 10:43

well atleast this weekend plusss monday are resting days :D ^_^
thanks alot spring for come xD lol ^_^
and i continue making bigg and bigg my bluray collection and my brai nneeds more IDEAAAS AWWWWS <3 after "pepe jeans project" comes lev·$%&/() project :p but seriously i need to rest more even my skin is getting a weird colour and so my eyes hurt piuuuf :D

woooowsieee!!WSSSTorstai 17.03.2011 05:16

well i ve been so busy last days or weeks or month with my work :D
i ve made visuals for musems , VW,MINI , company demo reeel
and recently NOKIAAA!!!! AWSSS :D :P P <3
i m very tired vent sleep much , my eyes are melting :P
i loook l ike sick :D
i have this huge allergie but working is sooo koool

awwws :)Tiistai 15.03.2011 10:15

i really would like to go past
i really would change everything what i ve live
i really would change everything what ive done
for only share a second with you
you mean so much for me :)

wuuuuuuf:DTorstai 10.03.2011 16:49

wwoooow heheh i m luckkky!!! :D ^_^

woohsss::DTiistai 08.03.2011 06:09

last thing
Project for MINI ROVER MEXICO :) :P ^_^

ZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZZZ!!!Torstai 03.03.2011 10:59

oooh darn i m realy exhausteddd oooh daaamn here is gettin warmer :D :P
hehe ooh daarn today i ve worked alot from wednesday 12:00 to thursday 1 am i went to mexico city sodamn early and arrive homeeeee so late argrrrg :P
volkswagen project is closed :P and ended miaaaam :P :D xd
adioooos!!! :D

:DKeskiviikko 02.03.2011 02:11

wooooow and more woooooow and again more woooow

^_^Sunnuntai 27.02.2011 22:32

i have u on my sight :D yes yes xD :D :P ^_^

pfffffKeskiviikko 23.02.2011 10:34

tired ^_^