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cruelMaanantai 20.04.2009 19:18

go sam :DSunnuntai 12.04.2009 18:14

@FrankieTheSats I do hope you make him suffer bad enough that he never ever does that again!!! I'm embarrassed of him truly I am LOL


fallTorstai 09.04.2009 18:34

I gave you all you desired
All that you needed
Boy, I provided
I let you into my head
Into my bed
And thatÂ’s a privilege
I had your back at the answers
You took the dollars
I took the chances
Defended, battled and fought
Cuz I really thought you loved me
I donÂ’t know where to start or where to stop
No, but I know I am done
IÂ’ve had enough

So fall out of my hands
Out of my heart
And when you hit the ground
YouÂ’ll be sorry that IÂ’m not around
I will watch you
And you fall out of your mind
Out of your fantasy
When you hit the wall
Think of me
IÂ’ll be on the top just watching you fall

You said that you were the strong one
I was the girl
And I was the young one
I kept your feet on the ground
My head in the rounds I had you
You told me you were so grateful
I was with you
And I was so faithful
Stood by in all that you said
And all that you did
I loved you
I donÂ’t know how to act or what to say
But I know I am good
IÂ’ll be okay

And you fall out of my hands
Out of my heart
And when you hit the ground
YouÂ’ll be sorry that IÂ’m not around
I will watch you
And you fall out of your mind
Out of your fantasy
When you hit the wall
Think of me
IÂ’ll be on the top just watching you fall
IÂ’ll be on the top just watching you fall

So fall out of my hands
Out of my heart
And when you hit the ground
YouÂ’ll be sorry that IÂ’m not around
I will watch you
And you fall out of your mind
Out of your fantasy
When you hit the wall
Think of me
IÂ’ll be on the top just watching you fall
I'll be on the top just watching you fall

HAPPY EASTER Torstai 09.04.2009 17:36

jee pääsiäislomaaaaaaa! <3

pitäs löytää jostai munii syötäväks :)

ahhKeskiviikko 08.04.2009 23:24

ihana toi poika , jotenki sulone :)

mut kaikist biiseist just tää?:D

mut toi tyttö on kyl hyvä!

AYMaanantai 06.04.2009 23:00



arrrrSunnuntai 05.04.2009 22:07

heres one for mollie...just got in put on some comfies..said hello to the boys..practiced some songs with hubby...just about to start dinner11:54 AM Mar 24th from web

in bed! amazing!3:40 PM Apr 2nd from web

Really want Dougie to wake up... So tempted to wake him but he looks so peacefull... I'll give him half hour! Mwahaha!!!about 7 hours ago from TwitterFon

Oops! I lied...I couldn't wait half hour... Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Did the trick strangly enough! Ha!about 7 hours ago from TwitterFon

^ murrrrrr die woman die

i did my best to notice...Torstai 02.04.2009 23:58

yeh otin eilen traguksen :)

jassu sano ettei se satu yhtää,mä oon vähä eri mieltä :D
voi vittu se oli hirvee se ääni mikä siit kuulu! semmone krunts krunts krunts ku se meni sillee nahan-ruston-nahan läpi :S

aaaaaa varsinki ku on korva ja kuulee sen iha siit vierest! mut se lävistäjämies oli tosi mukava :)
ja onneks mul oli huutosakkia mukana ;) <3

viime yön en pystyny kyl nukkuu vasemmal kyljel ku se sattu korvaan, mut ehkä tänä yön paremmin sitte?
ja aamul kuulokkeen tunkemine vasempaa korvaan.... ahhh dear no.

mut sen on pakko onnistuu koska ei kukaa pärjää kuuntelemal vaa yhtä kuuloketta!
( paitsi jasmina :D ) mut siis :D

oon nyt hirveen huolellisesti huolehtinu siitä, koht mul on pää täys vettä ku oon huuhdellu sitä x)
on viel kyl kipee, tuntuu sillon tällön ku olis korvatulehdus, mut eiköhän se tästä :)

mun pitäs muuten koht varmaa taas pestä se :o ja suihkutella sitä suolaa :D

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMaanantai 30.03.2009 00:25


miksi miksi miksi! miks se leikkas ne hiukseeeet! tykkäsin surffitukasta enemmän </3