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  • LUPU

    LUPURun neon tiger there's a lot on your mind
    They promised just to pet you, but don't you let them get you
    Away, away, oh, run
    Under heat of the southwest sun

  • shobu

  • Flipping through a thrift store magazine
    She plays the drums, I'm on tambourine
    Bet your, your bottom dollar on me

  • Looking back at sunsets on the Eastside
    We lost track of the time
    Dreams aren't what they used to be
    Some things slide by so carelessly

  • You're not going anywhere without me
    These trials don't prepare the air of love
    You're not telling anyone about me
    And you shake and you bleed while I sing my song

  • Saw Cinderella in a party dress, she was looking for a nightgown.
    I saw the devil wrapping up his hands, he's getting ready for the showdown.

  • janda

    jandaI swore I'd never let her go
    Tell me what you wanna know

  • Emilja

    EmiljaOutside the sun is shining
    It seems like heaven ain't far away

punk is my love
emilia, hyvä jätkä!

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