When Aoi came over that Friday, he didn't waste much time getting to the point. "So Ruki has stolen Reita's heart before you could jump in ne?"
I laughed. "What gave it away?"
"Well certainly not the way Ruki was jumping up and down like a school girl on Monday." Aoi said, picking up the movie and setting it in the dvd player. "Or the look on your face that said 'My puppy just died.' Except the puppy is Reita and he isn't dead, he has just found another owner."
"It's surprising how often I think of you. I don't mean to do it so much, honestly. Do you...ever think about it? How it came to be like this? Actually, don't answer that. ItÂ’s a stupid question. I'm sure you probably wondered about it once or twice then tried with all your might to forget. You appear to be a lot stronger than I am. Whilst you quickly moved on to another lover, I struggled to let it go. Let you go. It was so easy for you though. To you it was nothing, but to me it was everything."
Vois varmaan sanoa täällä että jos joku tuntee jonkun jolla on ylimääräinen lippu tai kaksi niin tiedä pari ihmistä jotka voisivat olla kiinnostuneita. Ne kaksi ovat Nera ja Pigru. Ottakaa niihin vaikka yhteyttä, tai minuun jos he ovat liian pelottavia.