


There must be an easier way to earn my wings
Your answers suggest you are a Counsellor
The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Summary of Counsellors
Search for meaning in their life and develop powerful insights
Are dedicated to helping others reach their potential
Think of themselves as gentle, peaceable and cautious
Others may find it difficult to get to know them

Counsellors have a natural understanding of human relationships and the complexities of life, which they use to help others. They search for meaning in everything and develop complex insights.

Counsellors are least likely to describe themselves as atheists, according to a UK survey.
Counsellors feel most relaxed and creative when their surroundings are organised. They are deeply private people who only share their insights with trusted friends; however, they will defend their values if challenged.

In situations where they can't use their talents or are unappreciated, Counsellors may withdraw from the people around them or become resentful. Under extreme stress, Counsellors may feel overwhelmed and be driven to organise small parts of their lives such as their kitchen cabinets or their record collection.

Counsellors typically prefer a few close relationships to a wide circle of friends.

Counsellor Careers
Counsellors are often drawn to jobs where they can help people develop emotionally, intellectually or spiritually and where they can use their imagination.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

resultsMaanantai 02.11.2009 23:11


Your empathy score is: 18 out of 20
Average score for men: 7.9 out of 20
Average score for women: 10.6 out of 20

What does your result suggest?

Empathisers are better at accurately judging other people's emotions and responding appropriately. If you scored 15 and above, you are very empathic and would be an ideal person to comfort people in a time of crisis. Women in general are better at empathising.

selittää epäloogisuuteni.Maanantai 02.11.2009 22:32

You said your left thumb is on top. This suggests the right side of your brain is dominant.

The left side of your brain is said to be more adept at language, logic and linear thinking.

The right side of your brain is said to control your visual, spatial and intuitive processes.

Olenko?Maanantai 02.11.2009 22:26

The results are in... you are certifiably:

9% Jerk!
That's lower than the worldwide average of 36%!
Compared to others...

1% less jerky than you — 0% as jerky as you — 99% jerkier than you
Of the 4,912,534 test takers so far...

66% like to drink.
44% gamble.
39% would lie for sex.
46% have cheated.
13% would have sex with a relative.
And 31% hate homosexuals, 100% of whom will die stupid and alone.

interested?Maanantai 02.11.2009 22:21

12% Greedy!
That's lower than the Worldwide Greed Average of 36%!
Compared to 2,494,717 other test-takers...

2% less greedy than you — 2% like you — 97% greedier than you
Some interesting statistics...

Women are LESS greedy than men.
Women average 33% greedy. Men average 38%.
17% of test-takers read the Wall Street Journal.
52% are braggarts.
And 10% would rather be rich than alive.

kuolen !Maanantai 02.11.2009 03:34

Sunday, November 21st 2066
At the tender age of 72 years old.
On that date, you will most likely die from:

Cancer (10%)
"Cleaning your Rifle" (2%)
Heart Attack During Sex (1%)

uugh cancer =P

en ees oo nää ei tunne mua.Maanantai 02.11.2009 03:16

Congratulations! You are . . .

The Overachiever
You balance your school work with your social life, but if push came to shove, youÂ’d luckily choose friends over school. You love to succeed and are very competitive.
You work hard, and you play hard. When all your homework and studying is completed, youÂ’re known for throwing totes tubular parties and going on wild adventures with friends. YouÂ’re probably planning on taking a year off after high school just to travel and have fun. Harvard can wait.

hauskaa osa 2Maanantai 02.11.2009 03:02

You're a genius!
(Your IQ is calculated by comparing your raw test score against others of your age and sex. An IQ of 100 is exactly average. An IQ of 200 is twice as smart as the average person.)
Compared to other 15 year old females...

96% dumber than you — 1% as smart as you — 4% smarter than you
You took approximately 26 minutes to finish the test.
The average test-taker takes about 27 minutes to finish.
The highest IQ recorded by someone like you is 235.
At your age, girls are DUMBER than boys.
Here is the custom report of your personality than led our team of geeks to conclude (with confidence) that you are a moderate but excitingly differentgraph.xcf woman:
" The subject shows an astounding level of intelligence, and her sense of observation is one of her best qualities. Considering this, she shows a lot of potential, but that's only part of the equation.

Also, as much as we hate violence, an occasional mauling is one way to solve day-to-day problems like unpleasant coworkers or pesky door-to-door salesmen. She just isn't tough enough, sir, and avoids any situation that involves violence.

Finally, the subject displayed a pathetic and useless (seriously bad) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a complete lack of self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals. "

incogniiiittoooo sanoi kaupunginjohtajaMaanantai 26.10.2009 22:57

1. Kunnioitatko opettajia?
- yleensä
2. Oletko alkoholisti?
- en juo
3. Yksi kaverisi, josta pidät?
- Ribeee
4. Pidätkö jäätelöstä?
- no menetteleeeeh...
5. Jokin muu numero kuin nolla?
- 1
6. Pidätkö suklaasta?
- sopivissa määrin
7. Pidätkö kesästä?
- <3 love it
8. Mainitse joku paikka, mieli-ku-vitusta saa käyttää!
- Bussin tavaratila
9. Onko hyväkroppainen mies seksikkäämpi kuin tyypillinen kaljamaha
- onko kompakysymys?
10. Jonkun muun kaverin nimi kuin kohdassa 3?
- Alex? <3
11. Jälleen jokin muu numero kuin nolla, ei samaa kuin kohdassa 5!
- 7
12. Pidätkö banaanista?
- jeejee miksei?
13. Laita tähän joko kohdan 3. tai kohdan 10 kaveri, ei väliä kumpi?
14. Jokin luku 10-100?
- 14
15. Juureskasvi?
- porkkana
16. Lempivärisi?
- sininen
17. Jokin muu väri kuin äskeinen?
- violetti
18. Pidätkö musiikin kuuntelusta?
- arvaa
19. Mainitse yksi ystäväsi?
- Maija!
No niin! Nyt luet vastauksesi ja kirjoita ne samassa järjestyksessä alle, lue mielellään ääneen.
KOITA pitää pokkasi...
1. Puhuitko totta?
- yleensä
2. Oletko neitsyt?
- en juo
3. Ketä rakastat?
- Ribeeeh
4. Oletko maannut hänen kanssa?
- no menetteleeee....
5. Kuinka monta kertaa?
- 1
6. Piditkö siitä?
- sopivissa määrin
7. Haluatko lisää?
- <3 love it
8. Missä SE tapahtui ensimmäisen kerran?
- bussin tavaratila
9. Onko sinulla toinen?
- onko kompakysymys?
10. Hänen nimensä?
-Alex? <3
11. Kuinka montaa kertaa olet maannut hänen kanssaan?
- 7
12. Oliko kivaa?
-no joo, miksei?
13. Kummalla oli isompi?
14. Kuinka monta senttiä pitkä?
- 14
15. Mitä se muistutti?
- porkkana
16. Minkä värinen se oli ennen SITÄ?
- sininen
17. Entäpä jälkeen päin?
- violetti
18. Oletko koskaan kokeillut "three-somea?"
- arvaa
19. Kuka oli kolmantena?
- Maija!