


Lähes raitis taikuri

Coupling (Paritellen) pt. 2Keskiviikko 30.01.2008 19:06

A womanÂ’s breasts are a journey. Her feet are the destination. -Sally

Vegetarianism for me is about saying ‘yes’ to things - even meat. -Jane

IÂ’m thirty-three, single, with neat hair. Even I think IÂ’m gay. -Patrick

Lap dancing is the ultimate nightmare of man. Porn that can see you. -Steve

Susan: Does your dick do all the talking?
Patrick: I donÂ’t know. IÂ’ll ask it.

Susan: "Sally, does it ever occur to you that age brings wisdom and greater confidence?"
Sally: "Susan, age brings you more to shave."

I like naked women. I'm a bloke. I'm supposed to like them. We're born like that. We like naked women as soon as we're pulled out of one. Halfway down the birth canal we're already enjoying the view. -Steve

You know, I have never understood the male obsession with lesbianism - a whole area of sex with nothing for them to do. Just answered my own question, haven't I? -Sally

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