


has a serious attitude(problem).

Miljoonarock. <3 :-----DSunnuntai 10.08.2008 20:51

Siis mekö lauletaan Emmin kanssa tunteella? Kuuluu ehkä hieman läpi. Kiitti täst ihmiset, huutolaulua kipeellä kurkulla ja youtubeen. Kiitti täst. :'D

Chasing the DragonTorstai 07.08.2008 22:45

Free my mind
Heal my scars
Erase the past
Dark days to forget
And memories to last
In my heart

Free me now

Make me forget
And forgive
There's no use
To go on and live
Show me a way
To the sun

Heal my scars

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

Let my eyes take in
The beauty that's here
That’s left on this earth
My ears long to hear
A melody

Give me sight

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

Poison is slowly seeping through my veins
Stealing the only dignity in me

I pick them up and let them fall
To cause your pain and hit them all

One more life to live is what I want

I’ll take the joy away from them
See to it, they will all be damned

One more chance to heal what I have harmed

The dragon is wreak havoc in my brain
Plays my emotion, a never ending game

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

One more life to live for me

I want the night just to colour the day
The morning to chase all my nightmares away
Don’t you deny that we're all human beings
We all have our flaws that can make ourself obscene


Give me what I want
Give me what I need right now
That’s what I want
That’s what I need, get it!

Dolendo novit mortalis vitam

Tell me what I want
Tell me what I need right now
That’s what I want
That’s all I need, cure me

Dolendo discit mori mortalis

Nothing will be forever gone
Memories will stay and find their way
What goes around will come around
Don’t deny your fears
So let them go and fade into light
Give up the fight here

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 07.08.2008 21:14

Mä en voi uskoa. En tahdo uskoa. En pysty.

Jaaha.Lauantai 02.08.2008 06:40

Piti mennä Kotiteollisuutta kattoo, mutta sitten taidettiinki kattoo Whiskybaria kukkaron kautta.

Oops, I did it again!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 29.07.2008 05:41

Alle 300 kaloria ja 10 h päiväunet. Loistava fiilis - voisin sylkeä koko maailman kasvoille.

Ei sarkasmia, ihan oikeasti. Mutta niitä yöunia tarvii kyllä muutaman vielä.

RomanticideTiistai 29.07.2008 05:14

Godlove and rest my soul
With this sundown neverending
The feel is gone yet you ain't gonna see me fail
I am the decadence of your world
I am an eider covered in oil
Happy hunting, you double-faced carnivore

Tell me why
No heart to cry
Hang me high

The music is dead, the amen is said
The kiss of faith is what I beg
A loving heart `n soul for sale

Tell me why...

Leave me be
And cease to tell me how to feel
To grieve, to shield myself from evil
Leave me be
Od of lies is killing me
Till love do me part

See me ruined by my own creations

Leave me be...

Dead Boy's alive but without sense
I need a near-death experience
Heart once bold
Now turned to stone
Perfection my messenger from hell

Wine turns to water
Campfires freeze, loveletters burn
Romance is lost
Lord, let me be wrong in this pain

Temporary pain, eternal shame
To take part in this devil's chess game
Spit on me, let go, get rid of me
And try to survive your stupidity

Pitiks mun taas?!Sunnuntai 27.07.2008 16:26


Paasto viel päälle. Yä.

In the end it's all nice.Perjantai 25.07.2008 04:38

Suoneen en koskaan vedä mömmöjä, en.

!Tiistai 22.07.2008 04:45


Mut anyway, yaay! <3

Repeat.Tiistai 22.07.2008 02:54

Ostin singstarin.

Ja oon laulanu 7 ketaa peräkkäin Depeche Moden Enjoy the Silencen. Hymiö.