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1052. your love, it makes me come alivePerjantai 04.10.2013 19:55

Hello, you know you look even better
Than the way you did the night before
And the moment that you kissed my lips
You know I start to feel wonderful

Moonshine, take us to the stars tonight
Take us to that special place
That place we went the last time, the last time

And everybody that's around, they know
That I'm not myself when you gone
It's good to see you again, good to see you again

On top of the world
Is where I stand when you're back in my life
Life's not so bad when you're way up this high
Everything is alright, everything is alright

Don't look down, don't you never look back
We are not afraid to die young and live fast
Give me good times, give me love, give me laughs

Let's take a ride to the sky before the night is gone

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