


enjoy the little things in life. for some day you'll look back and realize they were the big things

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 21.09.2013 13:26

When I'm listening on my headphones (all alone)
I'm taken to another world (other world)
Makes me feel like I can fly
Like I cannot ever die
Music is my only drug
Can you feel the music and the melody?
I can feel it moving
Through my whole body (feel the melody)
Sound, it takes me higher to another place
Lose control of myself when I hear the bass

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 20.09.2013 22:54

Look at your young men fighting
Look at your women crying
Look at your young men dying
The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding
Look at the fear we're feeding
Look at the lives we're leading
The way we've always done before

My hands are tied
The billions shift from side to side
And the wars go on with brainwashed pride
For the love of God and our human rights
And all these things are swept aside
By bloody hands time can't deny
And are washed away by your genocide
And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband
When they shot the man
Who said "peace could last forever"
And in my first memories
They shot Kennedy
I went numb when I learned to see
So I never fell for Vietnam
We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all
That you can't trust freedom
When it's not in your hands
When everybody's fightin'
For their promised land

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
Ow, oh no, no, no, no, no

Look at the shoes you're filling
Look at the blood we're spilling
Look at the world we're killing
The way we've always done before
Look in the doubt we've wallowed
Look at the leaders we've followed
Look at the lies we've swallowed
And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied
For all I've seen has changed my mind
But still the wars go on as the years go by
With no love of God or human rights
'Cause all these dreams are swept aside
By bloody hands of the hypnotized
Who carry the cross of homicide
And history bears the scars of our civil wars

I don't need your civil war
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I don't need your civil war
I don't need your civil war
Your power hungry sellin' soldiers
In a human grocery store
Ain't that fresh
I don't need your civil war
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no uh-oh-uh, no uh-oh, uh no
I don't need one more war

I don't need one more war
No, no, no, no uh-oh-uh, no uh-oh, uh no
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway?

*Tiistai 17.09.2013 20:55

Don`t you ever leave me baby
Don`t you ever leave me now
Don`t you ever leave me baby
If you leave me you will kill me now
I was forcing myself just walk through the day
When all I really wanted to do was curl up in a corner and cry
Nothing had any meaning
And I just think let's give it another day and see if anything happens
Then you came along like my own ray of sunshine
Made me feel warm, safe and alive again

pt 666Tiistai 17.09.2013 11:10

۞ faktat
onko sinulla parasta ystävää? - no kai
onko vanhempasi eronneet? - eiips
kumman luona asut? - molempien
missä asut? - piilossa

۞ oletko koskaan
ollut humalassa? - khyll
halannut vastakkaista sukupuolta? - ju
itkenyt jonkun takia? - khyll
kaatunut pyörällä? - jooo x)
ollut hyvä koulussa? - no en mä ikin oo x)

۞ viimeisin
henkilö, kenen luona olit yötä? - tubi
kappale, jonka kuuntelit? - en mä muistaa mitä ne yhet laitteli siel :D mut sen tiiän et tritanus soinuuut koko illa skitalla :D
henkilö, jonka kanssa vietit aikaa? - ihmisten :D
henkilö, jota löit? - en muista
juoma? - kaakaoo
hyvä teko? - jaa'a :D
elokuva, jonka katsoit? - en muista nimee mut oli pelottava :c
asia, jonka ostit? - kekseii x)

۞ henkilö
jolta sait viimeisen viestisi - veeera
onko hänellä mukava perhe? - onnn c:
oletteko nukkuneet samassa sängyssä? - khylllä x3
näetkö häntä usein? - no joooo :D
oletko koskaan nähnyt hänen itkevän? - öäöäöäöäöäöäää kysykää siltä :D
seurusteleeko hän? - khylllä :D
tiedätkö hänen ihastuksensa? - en tokiiiiii!! XDD okii tiiän ;D

۞ suhteet
keitä kuuluu perheeseesi? - äitee, prätkähiiri, sisko ja veli
minkälaisessa seurassa viihdyt? - no kivassa seurassa :D
tunnetko paljon ihmisiä? - no jaa :D

۞ kysymyksiä
oletko tällä hetkellä riidoissa jonkun kanssa? - semisti varmaa jooo ton yhen kans :D
onko sinulla lainkaan tapoja? - on
rakastatko ystäviäsi? - joitaki
kelle puhuit viimeksi fb?- tissmiesh
lause/sana jonka sanoit viimeksi? -
Seurusteletko? - en
Haluatko joskus kihloihin? - ehk joskus
Haluatko joskus lapsia? - ehkä
Kuuluuko seksi seurusteluun? - eiii välttämättä
Rakastaako sinua kukaan? - salee mu perhe c:
Onko sinulla koskaan ikävä exääsi? - tavallaa joo ja tavallaan EI koska vitun paskasti teki c:
Vihaatko ketään tällähetkellä? - kyllä!
Miksi? - kysytteki vielä huhhhuh :D
Pelkäätkö kuolemaa? - tavallaa
Entä hämähäkkejä? - no vähäC
Mikä tunne on hienoin kaikista? - no semmonen et tietää et joku oikeeesti välittää susta :3
Mitä toivot juuri nyt? - vaik mitä
Oletko onnellinen? - semisti ehk
Onko sinulla parasta ystävää? - kysyttii jo
Jos on, niin kuka/ketkä? - -
Onko sinulla paljon ystäviä? - tarpeeks
Entä kavereita? - ju
Kumpi on sinulle läheisempi, äiti vai isä? - no molemmat yht läheisiii
Kuka on sinulle tärkein sukulainen? - en tiiiä D:
Kuka on sinun tärkein naispuolinen ystävä? - no en tiiä :c
Juotko? - ju
Tupakoitko? - en
Käytätkö huumeita? - en
Tai oletko käyttänyt? - en
Entä haluaisitko käyttää? - en
Syötkö terveellisesti? - en
Suosikkiruokasi? - spagetti ja bolognesikastike :D jos se on oikein tehty xD
Oletko tyytyväinen itseesi? - en :c
Jos saisit muuttaa itsessäsi mitä vain, mitä muuttaisit? - vaikka mitä
Millaiset hiukset haluaisit?- semmoset ihanat ;___;♥
Onko sinulla lävistyksiä? - on c:
Entä tatutointeja? - onnn c:
Jos ei, haluaisitko? - -
Minkä väriset silmät omistat? - siniharmaat
Entä hiukset? - pinkkiblondit
Kuinka monen kanssa olet suudellut koko elämäsi aikana? - tietäjä tietäää :D
Oletko suudellut tänä vuonna tuntematonta? - en
Erikoisin paikka missä olet suudellut? - entiiä
Oletko katunut jotain suudelmaa? - ju
Oletko suudellut varattua? - en
Joitko viikonloppuna alkoholia? - en
Suutelitko ketään ihmistä? - en
Halasitko ketään ihmistä? - jooo :3
Mitä teit? - olin traconis c:
Hukkasitko mitään? - nojoooo ;_;
Olitko poliisien kanssa tekemisissä? - enn :D

save me..Sunnuntai 15.09.2013 23:00

Blood and tears, flowing from her darkest fears.
She cries for help but no one hears, takes a pill to make it disappear.

I can't save her, because there's nobody home.
I can't change her, cuz she's too far gone
And my heart breaks cuz I couldn't reach her.
No one can save her now, save her now.
No one can save her now

She's lying on the bathroom floor. Doors locked and no one knows.
Cuts bleed from her life before. Time heals but the scars still show.

I can't save her, because there's nobody home.
I can't change her, cuz she's too far gone
And my heart breaks cuz I couldn't reach her.
No one can save her now, save her now.
No one can save her now
No one can save her now, no one can save her
No one can save her now

Overcome with fear, screaming in her ears, voices are so near. (No one can save her)
Torn from inside, demons posses her mind, blood and tears collide. (No one can save her now)

She comes undone, dead end, nowhere to run.
Sweet lip around a loaded gun pulls the trigger and the bullet won.

Save her, Change her
And my heart breaks cuz I couldn't reach her.
Save her now, save her now.
No one can save her
No one can save her now

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 12.09.2013 00:21

I'm an angel with a shotgun..
fighting til' the wars won..
I don't care if heaven won't take me back..
Everyday takes figuring out how to live,
Sometimes it feels like a mistake,
Sometimes its a winners parade,
Delight and angers,
I guess thats the way its supposed to be...

Please heal me, I cant sleep
Thought I was unbreakable,but this is killing me
Call me, everything
Make me fell unbreakable, now you set me free

I feel the fear takes hold
Afraid this hell I create is my own
Come my fatigueness, I cant take it anymore
This used to be my own world, but now I've lost control

Please heal me, I cant sleep
Thought I was unbreakable,but this is killing me,
Call me, everything,
Make me fell unbreakable, now you set me free

Chasing leftovers,
Under the fading sun,
Searching for shelter,
I feel my time has come

Please heal me, I cant sleep
Thought I was unbreakable,but this is killing me,
Call me, everything,
Make me fell unbreakable, now you set me free

FinalityKeskiviikko 04.09.2013 00:31

When we have all gone, to the silence of eternity...
To first be forgotten, and lost in, the records of the earth
Could I still miss you, then, in the time and space after life
When no one is searching anymore, and where we are nowhere to be found

We didn't spend our life together
and I will miss you forever

The choice was mine, To long for a time, that will never come
Though we leave the world apart, I, still went peacefully, quietly,
with you, still, firmly... in my heart.

I will wait forever. I wait...

I still believeMaanantai 26.08.2013 00:17

Can anybody tell me why
We're lying here on the floor
And neither of us can barely breathe at all
The doctors saying hold on tight
As we say our last goodbyes
And this is, a moment that changes our whole lives

And I still believe in the good
And I still believe in the light
And I wanna feel the sun
I wanna free you tonight
And I still believe in the good
And I still believe in the light
And I wanna feel the sun
I wanna free you tonight

I'm staring deep into your eyes
They're telling me the time has come
And I know you're ready to rise and sail home
The room is filling up with light
As we say our last goodnight
I thank you for every second of your life

And I still believe in the good
And I still believe in the light
And I wanna feel the sun
I wanna free you tonight
And I still believe in the good
And I still believe in the light
And I wanna feel the sun
I wanna free you tonight

I'm falling, watching as your hurting
I'm down here I'm on my knees
How can I survive
And you turn to me and promise me you're ready
And tell me you'll be waiting on the other side

And I still believe in the good
And I still believe in the light
And I wanna feel the sun
I wanna free you tonight
And you showed me all the good
And you lead me through the light
And you gave me the sun
It's time to free you tonight

just a dream.Torstai 22.08.2013 23:12

I was thinking about you
Thinking bout me
Thinkin bout us
What we gonna be?
Open my eyes,
it was only just a dream...