


The pain will never fail.

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Roikun sinussa kuin hirsipuussa, kielon kukkia suussa ja vailla huolta! ♥

~¨~Lauantai 25.09.2010 07:17

Baittaan tuot minu edellistä ja sanon että oon taas yksin 8DDD Aldon keyblade ois valmis..ja mies on vaa syömässä u.u omnomn.

Öwöwö.Lauantai 25.09.2010 05:35

Yy jäin taas yksi .______. melkee sain Aldon keybladin valmiiks <3 siit tulee muute viel hieno (jos saan sen antamat värit sopiin yhteen järkevästi). Burb vaan niin 8(

*w*Perjantai 24.09.2010 04:51

*Lil cupcake princess* ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ vittu se osaa olla ihana 8(

Perjantai 24.09.2010 03:06

Namnam o.ó eiku yumyum ♥ Aldo suklaan kanssa n__u uhms ♥ Joo meillä on taas hauskaa ♥

Linda sanoo:
With hot lavas <3
playing dead sanoo:
*3* I was starting to miss it
two hot volcanos <3 you and me <3 burning like a sun <3

♥♥Maanantai 20.09.2010 01:46

‎//Take your last breath because death is romance.
You can kill him now and you will feel much better.
So we can be together for now and forever.
We were meant to be I love you darling can you see.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.09.2010 04:24

Vittu oottelin täällä koko päivän yhtä ja sit nyt tullaan kysymään ihan ilosena et onks saatana kaikki hyvi -.- omigosh sentään. Nojee et jollaki on ollu hauska pv. Jippiii helevetti sentään.

!! ja ny se menee sit vittuiluksi eilisen bändi homman takia 8DD EI HELE MINÄ SENTÄÄN ILMOITIN SIIT <69
Eka kriisi.orgh
-> ja sitten söpistelyä u_________u ei kestäny kauaa kriisi..

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.09.2010 03:03

Listaa 5 tällä hetkellä miellyttävää
bändiä, ja vastaa kysymyksiin jokaisesta
tämän hetken tuntumalta.

1. Marilyn Manson
a) lempibiisi? - If I was your vampire
b) lempilevy? - Eat me drink me
c) lempijäsen? - Mansoni

2. Sonata Arctica
a) lempibiisi? - The misery
b) lempilevy? - Ecliptica / For the sake of revenge
c) lempijäsen? - Tony

3. Disturbed
a) lempibiisi? - Enough
b) lempilevy? - Indestructible
c) lempijäsen? - David

4. Apulanta
a) lempibiisi? - Ilona
b) lempilevy? - Kiila
c) lempijäsen? - Toni

5. Bullet for my valentine
a) lempibiisi? - Say goodnight
b) lempilevy? - Scream aim fire
c) lempijäsen? - Matt

♥♥Lauantai 18.09.2010 05:22

She hates him
For what he did to her
So kill kill i know you will
Take him to his grave you'll make him pay
She loved him
He'll get what he deserves
So kill kill i know you will
Get revenge you'll take him to his grave

Hollywood made a killing machine
She's like a teenage slaughter movie scene
A serial killer celebrity
Now stop

Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living
Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living
Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living
Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living

You'll kill him
With a sharp blade through his chest
You will will i know you will
Take his life one last breath ends the day
She loved him
He'll get what he deserves
So kill kill i know you will
Get revenge you'll take him to his grave

Hollywood made a killing machine
She's like a teenage slaughter movie scene
A serial killer celebrity
Oh, my fucking god!

Kill Kristy kill
Kill Kristy kill
Kill Kristy kill

Take your last breath because death is romance
You can kill him now and you will feel much better
So we can be together for now and forever
We were meant to be i love you darling can you see

Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living
Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living
Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living
Kristy let's go
Let's start the killing
Kristy let's go
Let's end the living

Dear, Kristy
Kristy Killings
I know you will,will,will
Get your revenge in the end
Dear, Kristy
Kristy Killings
I know you will,will,will
Get your revenge in the end

You'll get your revenge
You'll get your revenge in the end

~Snow white's poison bite - Kristy killings~