


The pain will never fail.

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Plöö.Maanantai 18.10.2010 11:59

DAY 16 : The band / Artist that heals your broken heart.

Öö..ajattelenko minä mtn 8(Sunnuntai 17.10.2010 04:31

DAY 15 : A band / Artist you think about a lot.

♥♥♥♥♥Lauantai 16.10.2010 03:56

DAY 14 : Song from your favorite band / artist

8)) möi.Perjantai 15.10.2010 23:10

//Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva
Dies Irae Dies Illa Solvet Cosmos In Favilla
Vocamus Te Aeshma-Diva\\

Hysthyst.Perjantai 15.10.2010 19:31

DAY 13 : The biggest musical influence from your childhood.

o// leso.Torstai 14.10.2010 14:52

DAY 12 : A band / Artist from your state or area.

Titidiii~Keskiviikko 13.10.2010 22:59

//My life
You electrify my life
Let's conspire to ignite
All the souls that would die just to feel alive\\

No emt tätäkää 8D randomi.Keskiviikko 13.10.2010 20:06

DAY 11 : Two bands / two artists / band&artist you wish would cooperate.

I can't sleep until I devour ya..Keskiviikko 13.10.2010 15:55

Paha paha oloni mun on.. ;_____;

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 12.10.2010 19:18