


The pain will never fail.

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u__u..Maanantai 28.02.2011 13:52

day 1 ☆ 10 secrets
day 2 ☆ 9 loves
day 3 ☆ 8 fears
day 4 ☆ 7 wants
day 5 ☆ 6 places you want to go
day 6 ☆ 5 foods
day 7 ☆ 4 books
day 8 ☆ 3 films
day 9 ☆ 2 songs
day 10 ☆ 1 picture of yourself

#1 Subway's sandwiches *w* (chicken/tunafish)
#2 Lasagna
#3 Ice cream 8DD
#4 Baguette & chive cream cheese
#5 Eeeeewwhh..kotipizza's opera.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.02.2011 22:04

Fuckit. I'm gonna change angstnurkka box theme coz I don't have to angst anymore *w* puuurrrrh best people goes there ♥

Ya know ♥ My heart is yearning.Sunnuntai 27.02.2011 21:12

//Come feed the rain
'Cause I'm thirsty for your love
Dancing underneath the skies of lust
Yeah feed the rain
'Cause without your love my life
Ain't nothing but this carnival of rust

~Sunnuntai 27.02.2011 13:42

day 1 ☆ 10 secrets
day 2 ☆ 9 loves
day 3 ☆ 8 fears
day 4 ☆ 7 wants
day 5 ☆ 6 places you want to go
day 6 ☆ 5 foods
day 7 ☆ 4 books
day 8 ☆ 3 films
day 9 ☆ 2 songs
day 10 ☆ 1 picture of yourself

#1 Chile ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Santiago *w*
#2 Spain
#3 Miami
#4 Canary islands
#5 Portugal
#6 Germany

Meine Seele brennt! >/////< ♥!!Lauantai 26.02.2011 14:09

!!♥Lauantai 26.02.2011 04:16

day 1 ☆ 10 secrets
day 2 ☆ 9 loves
day 3 ☆ 8 fears
day 4 ☆ 7 wants
day 5 ☆ 6 places you want to go
day 6 ☆ 5 foods
day 7 ☆ 4 books
day 8 ☆ 3 films
day 9 ☆ 2 songs
day 10 ☆ 1 picture of yourself

#1 Aldo!
#2 Aldo!
#3 Aldo!
#4 Aldo!
#5 Aldo!
#6 Aldo!
#7 Aldo right nowh!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 25.02.2011 18:55

day 1 ☆ 10 secrets
day 2 ☆ 9 loves
day 3 ☆ 8 fears
day 4 ☆ 7 wants
day 5 ☆ 6 places you want to go
day 6 ☆ 5 foods
day 7 ☆ 4 books
day 8 ☆ 3 films
day 9 ☆ 2 songs
day 10 ☆ 1 picture of yourself

#1-8 I fear that I lose my loved ones 8<..can't take that..

^^Torstai 24.02.2011 10:48

day 1 ☆ 10 secrets
day 2 ☆ 9 loves
day 3 ☆ 8 fears
day 4 ☆ 7 wants
day 5 ☆ 6 places you want to go
day 6 ☆ 5 foods
day 7 ☆ 4 books
day 8 ☆ 3 films
day 9 ☆ 2 songs
day 10 ☆ 1 picture of yourself

#1 Aldo ♥
#2 Aldo ♥♥
#3 Aldo ♥♥♥
#4 Aldo ♥♥♥♥
#5 Aldo ♥♥♥♥♥
#6 Aldo ♥♥♥♥♥♥
#7 Aldo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#8 Aldo ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
#9 Friends+Mimmi+Manson+Coke+sth 8D ♥!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 23.02.2011 21:18

day 1 ☆ 10 secrets
day 2 ☆ 9 loves
day 3 ☆ 8 fears
day 4 ☆ 7 wants
day 5 ☆ 6 places you want to go
day 6 ☆ 5 foods
day 7 ☆ 4 books
day 8 ☆ 3 films
day 9 ☆ 2 songs
day 10 ☆ 1 picture of yourself

#1 I'm not so bad one really 8( just a lil.
#2 No one knows all my secrets..?
#3 I still hate spiders..
#4 Maybi there's something I fear.
#5 Sometimes I hate to be emo.
#6 Jeij I bite my nails 8( in stress stress.
#7 Maybi I can draw somehow 8DD
#8 I can be so jealous..really jealous..
#9 Sometimes I sleep with Taru&Ihaa. Oke they are always near to me 8D angst so child still.
#10 Ewh..sth.

;_; Te amo ♥! Ya know ♥Tiistai 22.02.2011 00:23

I felt like I was alone.
I felt hopeless and ready to give up my life.

Then you came, helped me back on my feet
And made my heart to feel love once more.

Like so many songs say, I love you,
But there isnt a word great enough to really
Describe the feelings I have for you, and only for you.

I wish I could give the world to you,
But I can only give myself.
And my love, now and forever.

I love you.