
Infected Mushroom - Becoming InsaneKeskiviikko 18.11.2009 21:46

"Insane, Insane, Insane, Insane, Insane, I'm Becoming Insane!!!"

I'm a ghost
I'm a blackhole
I'm a red light
I'm a coward tonight.
I'm those fingers stuck in your throat
Please take me
Please take me away
I can't stay in this place.

It's so good to be back
It's so good to be back on soil
It's so good to have friends, like these.
It's so good to be back
It's so good to be back on soil
It's so good to have friends, like these.

And now, the weight's lifted
I'm free of that straight jacket
That I've lived in, for far too long,
I'm moving on.

It's so good to be back
It's so good to be back on soil
It's so good to have friends, like these.
It's so good to be back
It's so good to be back on soil
It's so good to have friends, like these.

The pain's gone now and somehow
I've come out of that rut that I was laying in, just staying in
On my own, alone
And I've felt gaps in the past
But now I chase the space in front of me.
I can't go back to no man's land
With friends for company.
It's gone now, somehow
I've come out of that rut
That I was rotting in,
Forgetting how I'd gotten in.
And I've felt gaps in the past
But now my days are filled with plans
I can't go back to no man's land
I won't go back to no man's land.

It's so good to be back
It's so good to be back on soil
It's so good to have friends, like these.
It's so good to be back
It's so good to be back on soil
It's so good to have friends, like these.

Onko sulla pokkaa?Keskiviikko 04.11.2009 13:13

Huge L - Eino-LeeviSunnuntai 25.10.2009 23:50

" Aaa, aivan sama kuhan keinot ei oo laillisii, ajan ladal mikä kuullostaa ihan kun olisin menny naimisii. Terävii pointtei, kädest tylsii asioit."

Kippeenä.Torstai 15.10.2009 20:12

Tulipahan sit nukuttuun vaihteeksi.

22.00-15.45.. eli pyöreesti 17h 45min..

On tää räkä/kurkkutauti niin kivaa.

EDELLEEN KOVINTA JA PARASTA!!Sunnuntai 11.10.2009 01:49

Ska vi baila?Lauantai 10.10.2009 22:24

Baila bailaa.. kaverin kyytiä odottaen.

Kotoa->saunomaan->happytime/polte->ja sinne minne tie vie :D

On niin just hyvä!

No niinpä tiettenki!Tiistai 06.10.2009 23:06

Ei perkeele, nyt gallerian ylläpito on tehny kyl viimesen virheen, muuttaa helppo käyttöinen järjestelmä tälläseksi sekavaksi p*skaksi.

Jos tähän ei tuu muutosta nii se on, kiitos, aamen -> facebookkiin.

Väsyttää!Torstai 01.10.2009 00:43

Tuli sit mentyy suoraan töistä palohälyytykseen, rivari syttyny palamaan ja 4-5 huoneistoa käyttökelvottomassa kunnossa. Yhdet paineilmapullot vetäsin keuhkoihin ja letkun varressa tuli riehuttua sitäkin enemmän.

Kohta unta palloon ja aamuks seittemäks taas tööhi..