


Surrounded but alone

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 03.03.2007 05:40

Oh, I'm getting deeper
deeper in this final spin
I've albays been affection seeker
You can hide those hypocritical faces
after our desperate feelings

Now we are here
nothing can stop us
already we've been riding under the seventh storm
going for our seventh dawn
soon it will arive
there will be no soul alive

Taste of you is something special
It takes me higher
higher than ever
in our everland
My passion for you
will not stop (will not stop)
until the day is dawn (day is dawn)

Take that step
and you will see what
I've been trying to prove
and loose your cool
there's just something
you cannot be hiding

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 26.02.2007 14:59

Maailman onnellisin ameebamarsu <3
Onpa ollu mahtava nimipäivä :))

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.02.2007 21:49

.. and I need some bad medicine

Why should we stop the show?Sunnuntai 25.02.2007 17:24

So, take a look inside the show
or you will never know

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.02.2007 03:14

the day when I died
.. was also the day I started to live

Before my death
I walked on earth
I saved my last dance
with the girl
I fell in love with the first glance
She had a red hair
and boys all over her
but I didn't care
just wanted to be with her

then came summer
oh, my favourite season
and the day of my solution
I jumped in the water
wearin my pack made from leather
.. after that I found my losted heaven

One morning I just noticed
that I had woke up next to wrong lady
the right one was downstairs sleeping on a lousy couch
Afterwards at the time of my downfall
When everything was so hard, I saw her on the hall
Her mysticaly smiled face lighted the room
She took my hand and looked me in the eye
I knew that I'm going to be on my heaven soon
Many turns in our road
bumbs are trying to slow our way
and the gas is running out
we're feeling dizzy
and you seem to lost your powers to continue
and endless road goes on..

Can you see the moon?
We'll get there soon
my honey, don't be afraid
We'll make it someway
Hold on, we'll die another day

Your eyes don't stay open
in this freezing night air
I wrap you around my jacket
I kiss you on a cheek and caress your hair
Now I run until the sun shines again..

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 20.02.2007 02:09

Voi helvetti minkä menivät tekemään. Mut nii paljo tulee kuiteki kyselyitä tuosta, ni pitää väsätä jonkulaine info.

Elikkä en ole tuota pukua mistään ostanut, vaan itse tehnyt kaavoista lähtien. Puku on tehty tekonahasta. Sakset tein vaahtomuovilevylle piirtämällä ja leikkaamalla. Maalasin sakset erikoismaalilla, jolla sain aikaiseksi metallisen vaikutelman. Työtunteja meni yhteensä vajaa 150 ja rahaakin jonku verra materiaaleihin. Penkkareissa ei tullut kylmä ja karkkien heittäminen onnistui, koska sain sakset roikkumaan takin reunoille.

Tuo kuva on muokattu snadisti tummemmaksi, joten kaikki yksityiskohdat eivät näy ja kasvot, sekä silmien maskeeraus näyttää tummemmalta, mitä oikeasti olikaan :)

Kiitos äänestäjille!
.. niin ja kiitos kaikista kommenteista.. yritän vastailla niin paljon, ku kerkeen :)

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.02.2007 01:20

Ikävä ei katso aikaa tai paikkaa, eikä se vaadi pitkää aikaa tullakseen. Nää on jotku kaua aikaa sitte kirjotetut lyriikat.

Where can I go?
Must I get through?
When I was trying to leave you behind
I noticed, you were just good to me
That's what I'm trying to justify
hoping that you won't pass me by

Everyday and tomorrow
I will miss you
Everything I would do
to get a chance to kiss you
in our Roseland
So hard I was trying
Tomorrow I'll be crying
You can't be hiding (can you?)

And yes, I will
escape from this thrill
I know, I'm so far away
but you've my heart to stay
Should I walk back into night
Maybe I'm too tired to fight
Will I ever find a place to hide

Anymore I won't fall
Should I take a last call?

Everyday and tomorrow
I will miss you
All I need right now
is chance to kiss you
forever in my land
So hard I will try
Maybe tomorrow I cry
No matter where you hide (Where you hide?)

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.02.2007 19:53

I found a poem
it's a very beautiful one
sensitive and wonderful
It's not a movie
or nothing like that
but atleast it's not
a product of my imagination

Something real
Something pure
It makes me smile
even after the prologue

My memories of different life
are already so far away
You know the feelings of mine
just one word you need to say
and I'm there right a way

Soundtrack has gone
After the last track
I need something more

Something real
Something pure
This makes me smile
even after the prologue

This poem is like song without the lyrics
Please, let me make it complete

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 06.02.2007 22:20

Heh, aloin lukee historian kokeesee ja sielt välist löyty mun kirjotus, mikä on kirjotettu hissan tunnilla joskus enne jouluu.

Sentences don't make sence
Words ain't enough
It's just so hard to tell how I feel for you
for me, this is something new
and I think you know it too

You're the song of my life
telling the story of a boy taking another dive
time after time
You're the song of my life
the beautiful part in me
let me show thee
how you make me feel

Dream, which means more than life itself
to be in this endless moment for a moment
Take my hand, jump to my arms
Tomorrow we can fly to the mars
Together sleeping this lifetime dream

for you I will
and my love is for you
I really know it
and I think you know it too

You're the song of my life
Chords of yesterday
combines with harmony of tomorrow
and there will be a new day
You're the song in my life
and music is all in me
Can I show you
how you make me feel?