
hhhhhhhheSunnuntai 14.08.2011 18:11


architectsSunnuntai 07.08.2011 19:10

In time you'll find that
Were all on our own
Were all on our own , chasing nothing
My dreams have fallen , I'm wearing thin
I need something to fill this void I'm constantly in
And I can't do this

-Lauantai 06.08.2011 14:47

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.07.2011 20:20


?Sunnuntai 24.07.2011 03:10

..Perjantai 22.07.2011 18:48

But don't look at everything here inside
And be afraid, afraid to speak your mind


¨¨Torstai 30.06.2011 23:56

¨Torstai 30.06.2011 16:10

What I've become is what you'd never want to see me be.
I live a life thats filled with filth, disgrace and apathy.
I travel down a road thats paved and made with this disease.
So, I'd advise, don't waste your time and try to save me.
I am the perfect product of wrong place and time.
I'd rather die than try to better my life.
There is nothing in everything. I see nothing in anything.
Now do you blame me for my lack of faith?

Ignorance is my best weapon.
And I will use it till the day I fucking die.
So, what the fuck did you think? Did you think there was more?

,Sunnuntai 19.06.2011 18:03


'Perjantai 10.06.2011 00:28