

7.4.1993 (31,92 vuotta)

You gotta do it
you gotta do it your way
you gotta prove it
you gotta mean what you say

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    Pitäisi muistaa yrittää
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  • puiire

    puiireTie pelastaa jos uskaltaa
    Tie pelastaa jos vaihtaa suuntaa
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  • ^Myyrä

    ^MyyräMaanantai taas saapuu aivan liian aikaisin kai
    On liian helppo olla onnellinen
    Hunajapupu <33

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    Kun maailma toisin järjestyy
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  • piste

07 Jigglypuff

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Where should I go? I'm seperated from you
Now, I asked the time, that has passed
I dreampt of journeying into the too long night
Gazing up at the sky of a foreign land, I embraced loneliness

Flowing tears accumulate on the winds of time
I feel your unending sigh

Dry your tears with love
Dry your tears with love

Loneliness, your silent whisper
Fills a river of tears through the night
Memory, you never let me cry
And you, you never said good-bye

Sometimes our tears blinded the love
We lost our dreams along the way
But I never thought you'd trade your soul to the fates
Never thought you'd leave me alone

Time through the rain has set me free
Sands of time will keep your memory
Love everlasting fades away
Alive within your beatless heart

Dry your tears with love
Dry your tears with love

Flowing tears accumulate on the winds of time
The unending sadness changes into a blue rose

Dry your tears with love
Dry your tears with love

Flowing tears accumulate on the winds of time
The unending sadness changes into a blue rose

Dry your tears with love
Dry your tears with love

Riku <33
Peters <3
Sonja <3
Kiti` <3
aamu` <3
Ida <3
Lotta <3
NuutNuut <3
Luca <3
Kata <3
Peksu <3
Gangsta <3

Mukaan pyytämällä <3


(O.o )
(> < )
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