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- Vanhemmat »

mustacheMaanantai 27.07.2009 19:48

I´m a bit confuced. Some Finnish lady said I look like 40 years old guy! Camoon, I´m 22 now! Is it because of my mustache? Why can´t young men have mustache?

Another thing is my language. Some dear friends ask me to write my mother language here, but hey, camoon, you have to remember that gangsta speaks English, no matter where he has born.

High five, I have to wash my hair now.

Travemunde is the centrum of the world!Lauantai 25.07.2009 18:49

Today I´m gonna train all day! At least 5 km walk to the movies and same back to home (if I don´t get taxi). It´s a beautiful day here in Travemunde. How about in Finland, are you guys already skiing there? Come here and you can still feel reeeal summer.

Time to go wild!Perjantai 24.07.2009 10:49

Yes, it´s friday, baby! After feeding my guinea-pig and cleaning a bathroom, I´m gonna go sooo wild!
I am a 22 years old basketball-pro from Deutschland, Germany. You probably already know me from but let me tell you a few things about me.

My home city is city of Travemünde, Deutschland. My childhood was happening in tough neighbourhood and my family was quite poor. My dad was only an high-tech engineer and we could only afford Audi.
- Vanhemmat »