


This shit is bananas!

Yu...<3<3<3Torstai 18.12.2008 18:21

niin ihana..<3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 22:45

nimimerkki "Sekaisin Cinema Bizarresta"...<3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 20:39

No one knows how you feel
No one there you'd like to see
The day was dark and full of pain

You write "help"
With your own blood
'Cause hope is all you've got
You open up your eyes
But nothing's changed

I don't want to cause you trouble
Don't want to stay too long
I just came here to say to you
Turn around
I am here
If you want it's me you'll see
Doesn't count
Far or near
I can hold you
When you reach for me

Your life is meaningless
Your diary full of trash
It's so hard to get along
With empty hands

You're looking for the rainbow
But it died not long ago
It tried to shine just for you
Until the end

I don't want to cause you trouble
Don't want to stay too long
I just came here to say to you
I'm by your side
Just for a little while
Turn around
I am here
If you want it's me you'll see
Doesn't count
Far or near
I can hold you
When you reach for me

If the world makes you confused
And your senses you seem to lose
If the storm doesn't wanna diffuse
And you just don't know what to do
Look around
I am here

Doesn't count
Far or near
I'm by your side
Just for a little while

Turn around
Turn around
I am here
Turn around

Doesn't count
Far or near
Turn around
If you want it's me you'll see
Turn around

I can hold you when you reach for me
Turn around
I am here
Doesn't count
Far or near

I'm by your side
Just for a little while
We'll make it if we try

jälleen Krisselle...<3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 20:28

Close your eyes It's all pretend
Let them know you're heavensent
and we are love we are love
you and me we're not like them
search to find it's in your veins
and we are love we are love
and we are love we are love...<3

<3<3<3<3<3Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 20:08

"I don`t believe in anything,
anything if you`re not with me,
I don`t believe in anything,
anything `cos you`re not with me..." <3

Krisse tää on siulle <3

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 19:42

netti tökkii... mie vihaan tätä!! >.<

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 18:56

sain äitiltä Tokio Hotelin juliste lehen ja oon ihan taivaassa...<3 sit ku viel jaksas laittaa ne seinälle..

<33Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 18:49

In die Nacht

In mir wird es langsam kalt
wie lang könn wir beide
hier noch sein
Bleib hier
die Schatten wolln mich holn
Doch wenn wir gehn
dann gehn wir nur zu Zweit
Du bist alles was ich bin und alles was durch meine Adern fließt
Immer werden wir uns tragen
Egal wohin wir fahrn egal wie tief

Ich will da nicht allein sein
lass uns gemeinsam
in die Nacht
Irgendwann wird es Zeit sein
lass uns gemeinsam
in die Nacht

Ich höre wenn du leise schreist
spüre jeden Atemzug von dir
Und auch
wenn das Schicksal uns zerreißt
Egal was danach kommt
das teilen wir

Ich will da nicht allein sein
lass uns gemeinsam
in die Nacht
Irgendwann wird es Zeit sein
lass uns gemeinsam
in die Nacht

In die Nacht irgendwann
In die Nacht
nur mit dir zusamm!

Halt mich sonst treib ich
alleine in die Nacht

Nimm mich mit und halt mich sonst treib ich
alleine in die Nacht

Ich will da nicht allein sein
lass uns gemeinsam
in die Nacht
Irgendwann wird es Zeit sein
lass uns gemeinsam
in die Nacht


In To The Night

In me is slowly cold
how long could we both
here nor his
Stay here
the shadow wolln me holn
But if we go
then we go just for two
You're everything I am and everything through my veins Fließt
Always we will take
No matter where we fahrn no matter how deep

I will not be alone
let us work together
into the night
Eventually there will be time
let us work together
into the night

I hear if you quietly schreist
feel every breath of you
if the fate of our tears
No matter what happens after
We share the

I will not be alone
let us work together
into the night
Eventually there will be time
let us work together
into the night

In the night sometime
In the night
zusamm only with you!

Stop me otherwise I Treib
alone in the night

Take me and keep me otherwise I treib
alone in the night

I will not be alone
let us work together
into the night
Eventually there will be time
let us work together
into the night

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 17:59

Cinema Bizarre-Dysfunctional Family

I'm a punk I'm a sinner
I'm lost new beginner
(I'm halfways giving up)
I'm a thread to myself
I'm a get armargeddon
I'm a freak I'm a liar
I'm a flirt I deny that I'm not good

And sometimes I feel like
I'm only one
No wonder why I've become
so dum so dum di dum di dum

I get more and more strange
I'm going insane I'm building it up
Just to break it down
it get what you see
It's my destiny
the product of a dysfunctional family

dysfunctional, dysfunctional
dysfunctional family

I'm a bit suicidal
I'm my own worst rival
Trainwreck, white trash, freak, maniac, psycho
I'm a troublemaking rebel
Made a deal with the devil
I'm way past ever coming back

But sometimes I feel like
I'm not the only one
When I see why I've become
so dum, so dum di dum di dum

I get more and more strange
I'm going insane I'm building it up
Just to break it down
It's my destiny
the product of a


I'm not anybody
Don't you cry for me
I'm just from a dysfunctional family
Family family family family

on muuten hiton hyvä biisi.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 17.12.2008 17:23

sain matikan uusinnassa yhen oikei!!!:D oli hiukka noloa lähtee sieltä ekana... olin varmaan suurinpiirtein yhtä punanen ku paloauto! ja muuten, paloauto jäljittelee auton, punasen, paloauton ja kulkuneuvon ideaa!!xD mie oon kuunnellu filosofian tunneilla.