



HangoverMaanantai 06.12.2010 17:04

One morning, it was saturday i woke up from bushes.
i had a terrible hangover, there was some girl beside me and she looked like a monster !
she woke up and told she loves me and then i threw up

Hate, Hate, Hate, I hate you
youre sick motherfucker, i really hate you
Hate, hate, hate, i hate you
you look like a horse, i hate you
Hate, hate, hate, i really hate you !
So why you waste your time with this shit

Who are you to tell us what to do, its our damn lives that we're living.
we live as we live, we dont care if we loose it all tonight

Fuck You !
Bre Bre
Bre Bre
I hate you

As Long we are having fun, and living our lives as it would be the last day.
I hate you
I hate hangovers

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