
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.07.2008 15:53

saattaa olla että riipasen kovan kännin tänään

itsehänLauantai 05.07.2008 06:49

olen selvinpäin, huomenna ehkä, mutta en kauaa, nimittäin huomenna on juhlat, juhlat, juhlat, juhlat, AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
mikäs siinä sitten?

moiPerjantai 04.07.2008 20:08

tätä mieltä oon porkusta (PINKUSTA) porkusta (PINKUSTA)

What does this visa let me do?

With this visa you can employ overseas workers for a period of between three (3) months and four (4) years.

With this visa those people you employ from overseas can:

* work in Australia for a period of between three (3) months and four (4) years
* bring any eligible secondary applicants with them to Australia – secondary applicants can work and study
* after entering Australia, have no limit on the number of times they travel in and out of Australia.
You will have the opportunity to apply for permanent residency after you have lived for two (2) years and worked at least 12 months in a Specified Regional Area of Australia.

Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop (:

If you ever need to translate anyhing :DDD

äääääKeskiviikko 25.06.2008 14:26

one more time
that's all i ask
all i need

KEN LEEE :DDDDDDDDDDDDPerjantai 20.06.2008 01:26


ja sit vähän reenatummalla englannilla

hyvää juhannustaTorstai 19.06.2008 03:53


uujeeKeskiviikko 18.06.2008 16:40