


Every ounce of my weight is a failure

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[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 05.03.2011 01:39

Onnen kukkuloilla sitä huomaa olevansa yhä enemmänkin yksin

The Song of Buried SwansPerjantai 04.03.2011 03:24

The beauty of aeons, dead and inert
Covered in coldness and gray images
Death is the remembrance of everything
That is weaker than the world itself

As I can see the creatures laying in front of me
I turn my eyes to the left side of the road
The stagnated, dead shape leaves behind me
Staring with its hoary dead eye

Oh, the hollow sight that follows me
No emotion involved in those eyes
No tears fallen down along its cheek
The withered corpse, unburied by nature

The teardrops of sorrow aren't shared
Among the swans that lies here dead
Only grey feathers remains next to them
Waiting for the wind to take them over

The frost hardens the ground
The nature stops evolving
The beauty left on the ground
As a grey artwork of nature

The Parousia of MadnessMaanantai 28.02.2011 22:14

Pushing the boundaries
which never existed
The internal flow disturbed
in human psyche
The masshysteria
of collapsed beliefs
That makes the fauna
as the one we know

Creating a paradox
to explain ourselves
To makes us a whole
to make us existent
Creating a religion
to explain the world
To give us the right
to destroy ourselves
The rational reason
that follows the God's will

As we became
as an eyesore of universe
Given the opportunity
to think further than sanity
Giving us the rights
to turn ourselves into madness
And as we become
as the antics of our thoughts


Respawn to RespawnPerjantai 07.01.2011 18:39

Fasten my mind
into subconscius state
Close it, hammer the nails
like on a coffin

I'll remain silent
I won't resist
the ideal world
Ideal world with
only me inside
growing into myself
Like a malignant tumor
spreading inside me

I'll remain
as a paradox
growing inside my
Into my interior
where grows me
and in which I grow
I'll be infinite
and now I can't die
My only reason to exist
To respawn

The Fire at its FinestTorstai 30.12.2010 03:03

Spit my anthropomorphic being
Into some kind of unknown force
Where the last bit of entity is removed
And where only remains the core

Remove my frivolous husk
Purify the last remains of me
Remove all my abortive lust
That the world is pure to see

Enter my sorrow and aspiration
Stifle my tears, rupture my merits
Clarify every aspect of me for me
Destroy every vanity of me
Bring me to the light I desire

I can fall so long into noughin matter
It won't depress me anymore
Now my mind is pure and open
I don't need to know anything
Now I'm free

...Lauantai 11.12.2010 21:26

No light at the end of the tunnel
only dissemination of the human essence
into the oblivion

No soul or existent remains
in twilight

The completion in purification
of the worldwide cancer

The mirrors will start to dim
except for the blind ones
which won't need to see
with their eyes to be real

Drunk is the world from the intoxication
by living beings, now it shalt
sober up again

Rasite Lihaa SyvemmälläLauantai 20.11.2010 23:39

Tunne maailmasta kadonnut muualle
Jonkun käsivarsille makaamaan
Veriseksi ruoskittuna isku iskunsa jälkeen
On rasite lihaa syvemmällä huutaen armoa
Leikaten lihaansa, päästäkseen rasitteesta
Mutta ei tahto riitä, kun rasitetta rakastaa

En ma epätoivosta irti halua päästää
Kun se on ainoa asia, joka pitää liikkeellä
Itseinho olemusta raastavasti kuluttaa
Muttei riitä tuhoamaan kokonaan
Ainoa nautintoni, olla lähellä kuolemaa
Mutta en sitä kykene saavuttamaan

Sisäinen sekasorto kylmentää maailmaa
Kuihduttaa elämän ja vääristää sen muotoa
Maailmaa ajaa eteenpäin väärät motiivit
Kuolleet, kuihtuneet ajatukset ja moraalit
Silmissäin' maailma olisi parempi ja onnellinen
Jos vesi ois' verta ja lumi tuhkaa ihmisten

Oli tylsääKeskiviikko 27.10.2010 02:17

Elikkäs listaa ensin 5 parasta bändiä ja sitten kaikkien bändien 5 parasta biisiä(Pistän hatusta muutamia loistobändejä. 5 parhainta bändiä ei ole)

1. Mayhem
2. Arcturus
3. Borknagar
4. Shining
5. Obizeth(Olenko nyt itserakas vai hä?)

Ensimmäisen bändin 5 parasta biisiä:
1. The Key to The Storms
2. Dark Night of the Soul
3. View From Nihil pt. II
4. I am thy Labyrinth
5. Illuminate Eliminate

Toisen bändin 5 parasta biisiä:
1. Evacuation Code Deciphered
2. Ad Astra
3. Kinetic
4. The Chaos Path
5. Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer

Kolmannen bändin 5 parasta biisiä:
1. Colossus
2. Revolt
3. Oceans Rise
4. The Presence is Ominous
5. Rivalry of Phantoms

Neljännen bändin 5 parasta biisiä:
1. Plågoande o'helga plågoande
2. Vemodets Arkitetur
3. Neka Morgondagen
4. Någonting är jävligt fel
5. Längtar bort från mitt hjärta

Viidennen bändin 5 parasta biisiä:
1. Enigma in Revelation
2. Travesty of the Heir of Humanity
3. Cease To Die
4. Bestial & Lunatic
5. The Crossbreed of War
(6. The Human Debris)

Period of OppressionSunnuntai 03.10.2010 01:56

The fabric of mine
Aggrieves my core
Conjurates my elements
The inner persecution
Coming outside as blood
Relief I feel in my presence
But a new toil on me is inflicted
A burden, pollution of all I am
Omitted by the circulation of nature
Self-destruction of the unwanted
The end of the oppressive period
Via My own hand, via my own hand
Years of pain uprooted in moments
Which I never was ready to loose
Continuum changes its shape
When its weakness is now removed

The dam of misery of past and future
Evolved into my entity and soul
Timeless, endless destruction and terror
Coded inside my core, inside my constitution
Evolved into my entity and soul
Timeless, endless destruction and terror

To where I am to lead myself
From where I am to return
To return to the point, from where
everything began
To my origin and reverse everything
I knew


JaahasMaanantai 20.09.2010 18:23

"Kuvat jotka antavat väkivaltaisen tai uhkaavan vaikutelman tai ovat verisiä, ovat kiellettyjä. Ylläpito on poistanut IRC-Gallerian sääntöjen vastaiset kuvat."

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