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WebKare sulkee sivunsa T_TMaanantai 15.08.2011 13:28

Nyyh, tänään sit tuli viestiä sivulta seuraavanlaisena tekstiä:

Thank you for Playing Web-KARE.
We, operating team, notice you that Web-KARE
provided since 2008 will be closed upcoming at 15:00pm 15th SEP. (Japan standard) Please read this message carefully.
It will be prohibited to do activities related using coins as below.
-Buying new coins
-Using coins (In secret garden or dress room)
We will refund coins and premium pass into WEBMONEY if they are corresponding with the requirements as below.
-The Coins that had bought before 15th SEP. through the SBPS system.
*It is NOT including the coins getting from PONCAN*
-The premium pass (Expiration date is also valid after 15th SEP.)
We will send users who are subject to refund e-mail with request form. If you are the one, please read carefully and reply it.
It is a thousand pities for us to announce you closing WebKARE. We are honestly so sorry and thank you so much from the bottom on our heart for playing and enjoying it.

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