
omgPerjantai 12.02.2010 17:47

kopioi tämä alle minuutissa blogiisi niin
viikonlopustasi tulee PARAS

heheLauantai 02.01.2010 01:43

mä painoin lammasta takakakkosee

ja sit mun faijja trimmas mun esinahkaani

lolololkTorstai 17.12.2009 22:36

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
Stranger: you are from???
You: you are from???
Stranger: india
You: india
Stranger: and you??
Stranger: oh gud
You: and you??
You: oh gud
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

lolzzzTorstai 17.12.2009 22:30

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Are you a limey?
You: estella mi laborat furcifer
Stranger: ahh ci ci
Stranger: parle anglais?
You: vittu hiljaa homo
You: en puhu saatana espanjaa joten se pikku pirun kita kiinni
You: perkeleeen vittu
Stranger: I fuck your muddda
You: me 2 !
You: cyber ?
You: laittaa munan tussuun *
Stranger: eh fille?
You: ees taas
You: sitte
Stranger: tu a fille?
Stranger: non / oui?
You: ruiskutan mun mällit sun nenääs
You: kaivan nenäs verille
Stranger: I fuck your mudddaaa
Stranger: zut!
You: syön paskaas oksennan rintojen päälles
You: vitun tyhmä
You: paska
You: oot nii säälittävä orpo
You: i luv ya <3
Stranger: eh grande seins?
You: mut sit
You: tapahtuu hirvee tappelu meijän keskel ja mä huudan STOP
You: ja sit ollaan niiku uh ah
You: haluutsa tollasen seksi suhtee
You: ei sit...
You: im so ronely
You have disconnected.

ESPANJA COMBO BREAKERTorstai 17.12.2009 22:27

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello !
Stranger: salve
You: wut ?
Stranger: ego sum caecilius
You: como estas ?
You: mi scusi
You: si
Stranger: ego ambulat est villa
Stranger: metella est in horto laborat
You: esta ego ambulat ?
Stranger: ego sum caecilius
Stranger: furcifer
You have disconnected.

lolzTorstai 17.12.2009 22:21

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: fuck you !
You: you ruined my life !
You: my wife left me !
You: and my children hate me !
Stranger: that sux
You: i dont have any money !
Stranger: Hello im head of Global Hookers United
You: wow nice
Stranger: we can make it all better
You: how much cyber ?
You: pics ?
Stranger: paypal?
You: btw can u send pics to a 13 year old ?
You: sure
Stranger: ummmmm
Stranger: yes
You: guess what
Stranger: if u'll pay
You: not going to that one :D
Stranger: ?
Stranger: no deal then
You: ya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

ehkä amerikan järkevin ihminenTorstai 17.12.2009 22:14

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: are y from states ?
Stranger: yes
You: hello !
Stranger: are yo?
Stranger: you*
You: what country starts with letter u ?
You: yes i am
Stranger: koool
You: what country starts with letter u ?
You: cmon
You: tell me
You: D:
You: uzbekistan ?
Stranger: united states
You: wow u are good
Stranger: uraguay
You: WOW :d
You: i thought us ppl are stubid
You: im not from us
You: :D
Stranger: where are you from?
You: uzbekistan
Stranger: oh
Your conversational partner has disconnected.