
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 04.04.2013 01:09

I don't wanna touch you too much baby
'Cos makin' love to you might drive me crazy

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 03.04.2013 10:33

olishan se iha kiva jos ees yhten yön sais kunnol unta ettei tarvis joka tunti herää ja lilluu valveil :3 cool story bro

♥♥♥Torstai 28.03.2013 01:12

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 27.03.2013 23:32

on se vaikeeta yrittää viiä nea lenkille ku ei se pysty lähtee ku vauvat o nii nälkäsii kokoajan ;D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 26.03.2013 08:17

You gotta squeeze a little, squeeze a little
Tease a little more
Easy operator come a knockin' on my door
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah
Give a little more
i'm heartbroken :'(( ei voi olla totta :sss

im so happyyLauantai 23.03.2013 19:39

3 ihanaa tervettä pentuu tuli woohoo onnee nepsu. <3

vihdoinkinPerjantai 22.03.2013 10:20

tänää se alkaa ku meijän nepsu alkaa synnyttämään. jess (:

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 21.03.2013 00:19

Why trust you
You never made a dream come true
Why trust you
Give me one good reason, one good reason why
You come to me all teary-eyed
With your big tall tale way up to the sky
Begging on your knees for another chance

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 19.03.2013 02:14

You're something that never should have happened
You even make your Grandma sick
You'd poison a blind man's dog and steal his cane
You'd gift wrap a leper
And mail him to your Aunt Jane
You'd even force-feed a diabetic a candy cane
You can go to Hell