


Where is the dark I came to find?

Singing at the sea.Perjantai 25.12.2009 05:12

I am sailing in the sea,
And I've got my guitar with me.

What the fuck is going on,
The game is playing on its own.

ENNÄÄ 4KK \o/Tiistai 22.12.2009 21:00

 Tiistai 15.12.2009 11:20


MIKÄ MENI VIKAAN????????????????????? FFFFUUU-

postissa tuli "maksa kalastuslupa" -_-'


Tottakai maksan kun kalaakin on tuolla vesissä niin paljon o/

 Perjantai 27.11.2009 22:11

Father, why did you drown me here?
In these waters
And father, why did you leave me here?
In deep waters
Father, it's getting darker here as the years pass
And father, I'm the whispers on the lake
Lights on water
My child, I carry the burden of sorrow with your soul
The songs you gently sing to me
But the love was never stronger
Than the grief of your unholy price
I curse you forever in your watery grave, you passenger of evil
For taking her away from me
The blood of your arrival, cutting knives and shadows
A ceremony of pain
Through living flesh to the dead, both in my bloody hands
But only one cried
In blazing fury I carried you through the woods
While the trees tried to stop me in horror
Your cry echoed on the lake as I laid you down on the boat
The tears made circles on the still, the circles made the waves
The waves raised the tide and made rain fall
Raised the lights on the lake
Through the mist, further on the lake
In the eye of still water
Into the deepest pit you silently fell
Slowly in the throat of dark water

Sentenced kausi taas...Lauantai 21.11.2009 02:52

Again the sky has fallen down on me
Once more a world has crumbled down and over me

And yet in some twisted way
I enjoy my misery
And in some strange way
I have grown together with my agony

I feel home in despair for I dwell in grief
and I feel home when the air's too thick to breathe
and I feel home anywhere human lives are going down the drain

Kastellin yö.Keskiviikko 11.11.2009 01:58

Teknisiä ongelmia jotka johtuvat siitä että niitä ei voi selvittää nestemäisten ongelmien aikana.