


The only way to guarantee failure is never try at all.

LifeStreamLauantai 20.08.2011 06:34

The relationship between human beings fascinates me and I wrote this
to let go off people who are or were a negative input in my life.
It took me a while to observe and analyse different personalities and over the years I think IÂ’ve learnt what it takes to find out who are people worth having in your life.
Every experience is something that has helped you in some way and itÂ’s so precious and worth more than anything.
No one can take away your experiences and what youÂ’ve been through, and I believe itÂ’s truly a great thing.
Try to remember and memorize all the good times you had even from people who ended up betraying you because anything you loved will always be a part of you.
You canÂ’t forget things you once truly loved.
Move on but hold onto your memories. When one door closes, another opens.

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