


The only way to guarantee failure is never try at all.

näääääiinnn...Torstai 26.05.2011 01:33

Sometimes the things get so jaded
Still my heart slowly beats
Sometimes life gets complicated
Still the world around me sleeps

I'm ashamed, not to blame
don't wanna think about it
Who I am, what I've done
How do I carry on?
Wanna change, turn the page
don't wanna think about it
How do I undo what's done?
Undo what's done!

Sometimes the things get so faded
How is it that you can't see?
Sometimes life seems overrated
Makes my heart slowly bleed

I'm ashamed, not to blame
don't wanna think about it
Who I am, What I've done
How do I carry on?
Wanna change, turn the page
don't wanna think about it
How do I undo what's done?

There for Tomorrow - Pages.. :)Keskiviikko 25.05.2011 10:14

The turns you had to take still keep you awake
Down come the walls where you once stood
From constant changes you have made
Youll keep inside til you have a say

We change as we get older
Were not to stay
The days we walked are over

Now we just drive away
From everything I know
Youre counting days on the back of your hands
You turn the pages til you have no more plans

The only time you had to think of all the things involved
Came when you were least expecting
And now its up to us to replace it
To tell us when ages have made a difference
Cause changes tell just who we are

We change as we get older
Were not to stay
The days we walked are over

Now we just drive away
From everything I know
Youre counting days on the back of your hands
You turn the pages til you have no more plans

Now were just miles away
From all that we could be
Youre counting days on the back of your hands
We turn the pages

Remember the days youve counted wont be forgotten
I hope you wont leave yourself out
When we turn the pages

I'm okay , don't worry...Tiistai 24.05.2011 02:50

A letter home
And I know we don't speak much
And we both know I'm not keen too
But I think there's things I've left unsaid
I'm okay, don't worry
I wish I'd been a better kid
I'm trying, to slow down
I'm sorry for letting you down

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Cause I know there's someone, somewhere
Praying that I make it home
So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
i need a home sweet home
To call my own

You know it's just, Rock and roll
I know you're by my side, through it all
My terror twin and I
Let's take over the world
It was you
That told me I could do this
You put the music in my heart
And how you sang with the band in Memphis
It's hard just, to be strong
Not knowing if, I've done you proud
I like to imagine
You smile when you hear my songs

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Cause I know there's someone, somewhere
Praying that I make it home

So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
to call my own

A letter home
And I know we don't speak much
And we both know I'm not keen too
But I think there's things I've left unsaid
I'm okay, don't worry
I wish I'd been a better kid
I'm trying, to slow down
I'm sorry for letting you down

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Cause I know there's someone, somewhere
Praying that I make it home

So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
i need a home sweet home
To call my own


You know it's just, Rock and roll
I know you're by my side, through it all
My terror twin and I
Let's take over the world

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Cause I know there's someone, somewhere
Praying that I make it home

So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own

Even though I'm on my own
I know I'm not alone
Cause I know there's someone, somewhere
Praying that I make it home

So here's one from the heart
My life right from the start
I need a home sweet home
To call my own

IHANAA LEIJONAT IHANAA!!!Tiistai 17.05.2011 02:26


IHANAA LEIJONAT IHANAA!!!Maanantai 16.05.2011 03:34


juuuTorstai 05.05.2011 01:08

Kirjoita miten yleensä vastaisit, jos joku kaverisi sanoisi näin!
1. Meil oli muuten läksyy täst.
- vittu ihaansama :D
2. Koska meil on seuraava koe?
- kato wilmast..
3. Ihana paita sul!
- tack!
4. Koska voit olla?
- millovaaa
5. Mul on sulle tärkeetä asiaa.
- no sano
6. Nam, mustamakkara on hyvää!
- hyi saatana
7. Mennäänkö kebabille?
- eiköhä lähetä!
8. Tuol sataa lunta.
- Haist....
9. Meil on huomenna matikan koe.
- ihasama en jaksa kuitekaa harjotella
10. Meniks koe hyvin?
- tuliha sielt kuitekii vitone
11. Mitä meil on seuraaval?
- vitustako minä tiedän :D
12. Sul on samanlainen paita kun mulla, kiva juttu...
- ahha
13. Meil on seuraavalla liikkaa.
- hyvä
14. Meil on seuraavalla köksää.
- vittuu...
15. Haluukko purkan?
- kiitti
16. Saanko purkan? (Jos sinulla olisi purkka esim koulussa.)
- vitu hanhi!

paree ois tulla! :DKeskiviikko 27.04.2011 16:19

Tee tämä ja saat mahtavimman vapun ikinä !!
Kenen kanssa vietät vappua? - idk
Missä vietät vappusi? - riippuu ilmasta
Alkoholia? - jees
Odotatko vapustasi hyvää? - jebaaa
Aiotko tehdä asioita joita et viime vappuna tehnyt? - ai dont nou
Millaista säätä on luvattu? - sellast en tiedä...
Lähetätkö kavereillesi vapputoivotuksia? - jjuuuu
Aiotko saada pusuja? - ei tietoaa
Entäs haleja? - ehkäpäää
Paljon rahaa olet varannut vapun viettoon? - 20eurova
Mihin suurinosa rahoista kuluu? - juomiiin ainakkiii..
Onhan sinulla serpentiiniä? - eii
Entäs ruiskutettavaa hiusväriä? - ei oleee
Tietävätkö vanhempasi vappusuunnitelmistasi? - juuu melkee :D
Mitä teit viime vappuna? - samaa ku tönö vuonna tuun tekee :D
Oliko kivaa? - jeb!

balaaaa....Keskiviikko 27.04.2011 01:13

Musiikki: Onhan meillä YouTube
Maantieto: Rovaniemi on lapissa
Äidinkieli: A, B, C, D, E, F, G...
Matematiikka: Laskin on keksitty
Historia: Meni jo
......Kemia: Vesi + Sitruuna = Novelle
Fysiikka: Aurinko on kuuma
Biologia: Pupulla on korvat
Liikunta: osaan kävellä
Uskonto: Jeesus on kuollu kohta 2100 kertaa
Englanti: Meillä on Google kääntäjä
Kopioi tämä itsellesi jos haluat kesälomalle!

kukaa ei tiie biisii :DMaanantai 25.04.2011 03:46

Let me see, see your dreams
And just let me touch your heart again
On the street where my beliefs
Never caused you no pain

People hurt
They always leave in just a minute
For all those woken in my shirt
(YOU SHOULD ADMIT!) that I just did it
That I just did it

Feels so hard to find the reason of love
Can't take any longer
You're so much stronger
Since I've been dreaming of a sign from above
Don't get any better
Nothing does matter
My eyes are open wide to see what's coming next
The trace I walk is so empty
I'll give my life to make you never forget
Who the hell you wanted to make me
I'm better than you could be

Always so sure
That you can climb the sky
Settle down your mind
And never ever die
Come and kiss me
Oh darling, make me believe
That I could ever give it back,
Just turn my back and leave

Never knew if my words
Would make sense again
When you extend your name
With titles and awards
If there is a time for words
To make sense again?
If there is a planet of hopes
Where you and me remain?

You mesh my head
And that's the worst thing you could do
I never knew if my words would make sense again

Feels so hard to find the reason of love
Can't take any longer
You're so much stronger
Since I've been dreaming of a sign from above
Don't get any better
Nothing does matter
My eyes are open wide to see what's coming next
The trace I walk is so empty
I'll give my life to make you never forget
Who the hell you wanted to make me
I'm better than you could be

A tiny border between love and hate

Yeah babe, I was laughing
But now it's true
So make up your mind
And look for your heartbeat
I would connect my life
With every single part

Yeah babe, I was lying
But now it's true
So make up your mind
And look for your heartbeat
I would connect my life
With every single part

People hurt - they always leave in just a minute
For all those woken in my shirt - admit that i just did it

People hurt - they always leave in just a minute
For all those woken in my shirt...

Admit that I just did it bitch.