


A lovesong for the lovesick

Flux / Mental MaelstromPerjantai 02.06.2006 08:41

I want you to descend.
I want you to fall down.
I want to be the end
- Of everything you've ever done.

The cities that I built,
The forests that I grew,
Got stained by your filth,
And now they smell like you.

You Stink!
The pigs you are.

How long? How long?
How far are you willing to go?
How much? How dry?
I have seen the devil's eye
- And it is you.

The world shut me out.
I see your faces in the sand.
But if I reach out,
You're gonna break my hand.

I want you to be here,
I want you to descend to,
This pathetic mind-made sphere,
The perpetual end.

I want to be the end
- Of everything you've ever done.

Twist The KnifePerjantai 02.06.2006 08:37

Capture it, de-humanize it.
You nurture it, you devour it.
Promise it, you lie to it.
And you doubt in it.
See yourself in it.

Twist the knife, watch as it dies.

Be loved by it, but ignoring it.
You feel the hate in it, escape from it.
Laugh at it, ridicule it.
Misunderstand, spit at it.

Twist the knife, watch as it dies.
Steal away it's life, untouched my its cries.

Twist the knife.
To the very bone.
Steal away it's life.
Until it's dead and gone.

Disrespect it and deceive it.
Underestimate, be scared of it.
Kill the faith, kill the love.
And turn your back, walk away.

Twist the knife, watch as it dies.

Twist the knife.
Ignore its pain.
You steal away it's life.
You cut the last remaining vein.

The Worst In MePerjantai 02.06.2006 08:31

I could have found a way.
I would have found a way.

Did you want me to break down?
Did you want me to give in?

Found so many ways to hate myself.
Found so many ways to put them all away.

Don't care if the whole world falls apart.
Don't care if you hated me from the start...

You bring out the worst in me!

Pick and peel it off, this dried up skin.
Strip it away, this flesh and gore.
Open it up, the stink of you sin.
Was it holy as you hoped, at heart, at the core?

Did you want me to break down?
Did you want me to give in?

Found so many ways to hate myself.
Found so many ways to put them all away.

Don't care if the whole world falls apart.
Don't care if you hated me from the start...

You bring out the worst in me!

I make you stronger.
You make me weaker.
Can't take this much longer...
Since I stopped being a seeker.

Pick and peel it off, this dried up skin.
Strip it away, this flesh and gore.
Open it up, the stink of your sin.
Was it holy as you hoped, at heart, at the core?

Did you want me to break down?
Did you want me to give in?

Found so many ways to hate myself.
Found so many ways to put them all away.

Don't care if the whole world falls apart.
Don't care if you hated me from the start...

You bring out the worst in me!

I make you stronger.
You make me weaker.
Can't take this any longer.
Since I stopped being a seeker...

Rip and tear this un-bleeding dead.
Naked and cold, nothing left to steal.
Can't get it back, wish I was dead instead.
It will never close, this fucking sore will never heal!

I am a ghost, you are my host.
You will never see me again.

Decadent & DesperatePerjantai 02.06.2006 08:23

Beat down, fucked up.
I'm drinkin' blood from the devil's cup.
Now what you tell me.
I can't even get shit for free.

Hey girl, I'll have to go.
Ain't got no money so let's go slow.
In my room, this living hell.
A living hell in the shit motel.

Decadent and desperate!

Fair play, crack's your pay.
Shoot me up and make my day.
Oh yeah, way to go.
You really are a damn good ho.

Oh yeah, at the shit motel.
How I love being stuck in this cell.
Fucked up in a shit stained sty.
Everything they ever said was a big, fat lie!

Decadent and desperate!

You're such a fucking dog!
Looking for your special drug!

Decadent and desperate!

Beat down, fucked up.
I'm drinkin' blood from the devil's cup.
Now what you tell me.
I can't even get shit for free.

All right, come on.
In a year or two we'll both be gone.
Who cares how sweet?
Your pain's gonna taste when it falls to shit!

The GrudgePerjantai 02.06.2006 08:21

Trying to think of you as come kind of heroine.
Trying to think of you as somethin' that will fade with time.
Trying to think of you as some kind of distant sin.
Trying to think of you as yesterday's forgotten dream.

Things that you said, and the things that you never did.
Things that you did, and the things that you never said.
Left me empty and alone, kinda tryin' to atone.
Empty and alone, the only thing that's real.

You must be an emotional heretic.
Your word has become like shit on a stick.
No matter how hard I tried.
Someone close to me lied, now I carry the grudge.

Things that you said, and the things that you never did.
Things that you did, and the things that you never said.
Left me empty and alone, kinda tryin' to atone.
Empty and alone, the only thing that's real.

How could someone be so elusive?
How could someone be so fuckin' passive?
Even if I walk through all the circles of hell for you
You wouldn't even piss on me.
But it's too late, it's too late my dear.
Because I'm already there!

You've become an emotional heretic.
Your word was always shit on a stick.
No matter how hard I tried.
You fucking had to lie.
Empty and alone, the only thing that's real!
Empty and alone, the only thing that's real!
Empty and alone, the only thing that's real!
Empty and alone, the only thing that's real!

How can someone be so elusive?
How can someone be so fuckin' passive?
Even if I walk through all the circles of hell for you.
You wouldn't even piss on me.
But it's too late, it's too late my dear.
Because I'm already there!

The Loneliest ThingPerjantai 02.06.2006 08:20

She bought all the good Karma in the world.
And now... She throws it all away.

She stole God's light, she stole it for herself.
To make her dark night turn in to day.

She thinks she's found, found her very self.
But can she make it, can she make it stay?

She would be climbing up the mountain.
She would be searching through the desert.
But her God would not have spoken.
Nor let her pass dry through the sea.

And now she throws it away.
When God has nothing to say.
Her God, she threw him away.
He never had much to say.

:PTorstai 25.05.2006 16:32

Niin, ja näinkon käy kun suomi....


"Lainaus" :D Torstai 25.05.2006 16:19

Nostradamus (1503 -1566):

He luulevat nähneensä auringon pimeällä kun he tulevat näkemään eläimen, puoliksi ihmisen: Hellaan (Kreikan) taivaalla nähdään ääntä, laulua, taisteluja, kahinoita ja silloin voidaan kuulla eläimellisten petojen puhuvan.

Vallan muutos alkaa kirkkaasta tulesta, kun kaukaa pohjoisesta nousee usvasta uusi tähti. Salatut kasvot tuovat uuden kauas kuuluvan äänen, joka nousee yli vanhan maanpiirin ja sen entisten valtiaiden.

Saattepa arvata mihin tämä voisikaan viitata ;)

Kiitoksia eräälle foorumitoverille :)

:)Maanantai 22.05.2006 19:40

Terveisiä rakkaan luota Kaustiselta :) pitkästä aikaa elämä jaksaa taas hetken hymyillä :) ja siitä täysi kiitos rakkaalle hevostytölleni :) Keskiviikkona sitten takaisin kotiin :)

No niin. Annan sinulle kysymyksiä ja sinä käyt osoitteessa kyselemässä kysymykset oraakkelilta ja kirjoitat oraakkelin vastaukset tänne. HUOM! Saat muotoilla kysymykset haluamaasi kieleen, tyyliin tai murteeseen tai vaihtaa sana järjestystä, mutta kysymyksessä pitää olla sama juoni. Nyt kirjoittamaan. Lopuksi haasta neljä kaveriasi tekemään saman.

1. Mikä minun nimeni on?
- Sisko. (prkl! xD )

2. Missä asun?
- Paskahuussissa. (kiiiitoooos :D paras kuvaus tästä kylästä tähän asti x) )

3. Mikä olen?
- Olet juuri se mikä tunnet olevasi. (eli kait sitten joku kiva yöeläin :) )

4. Millainen olen?
- Kuulepas nyt. Sä tarvitset 4 ylennystä ollaksesi IDIOOTTI! Olisko syytä harkita mitä puhuu ja mitä kysyy? Tiedätkö sä edes mistä mä oon ärsyyntynyt? (ai että niin paha? :D tuota en sentään ihan odottanut xD )

5. Kuka olen?
- Olet poikittainen bitti koodissani, mutta tämä on vasta alkua... (so fucking punk!!! :D )

6. Mikä on ollut elämäni suurin saavutus?
- Pitäskö tää kattoa Ennätysten kirjasta? (ha! ei tienny :D )

7. Mikä on ollut kaikista turhinta elämässäni?
- Ahneus.

8. Mikä on arvokkain asia mielestäni maailmassa?
- Lasse Lehtinen ei suostunut kertomaan kun kysyin. ( O.o siltä nyt tarvi mitään kysyäkkään...)

9. Miltä näytän?
- Maaseudulta, kuten varmaan salaa toivoitkin. (urbanius modernius x) )

10. Miltä tunnun?
- Lähdevedeltä. (jaa niinkun raikas vai? :D )

11. Miltä maistun?
- Kuolemalta. (co'mon, en mä sentään noin paha oo :D )

12. Miltä tuoksun?
- Kellarilta, vaikkei sille mitään erityistä syytä olekaan. (erityisen tunkkainen persoonallisuus x) )

13. Missä minun kuuluisi olla?
- Uimahallissa, vaikka et varmaankaan oikeasti tätä halunnutkaan kuulla. (aha :D )

14. Mikä minun kuuluisi olla?
- Kukkasten tuoksu ja haiden hampaat. Nepä ne. (se on hienoa olla ristiriitainen :D )

15. Mistä minut löytää?
- Sieltä missä ruohon luullaan olevan vihreämpää. (siis kun mä olen niin hyvä ^.^ )

16. Miten minuun saa yhteyden?
- Rahalla. (ettäs sen tiedätte xD )

17. Kuinka vanha olen?
- Aika pirun vanha. Älä edes vaivaudu yrittämään laskea (the devil inside me...)

18. Olenko nainen vai mies?
- Naiselta vaikutat...tai tyttöseltä! ( *wirn* :D en kai mä noin paha ole? :D )

19. Kuka on minulle tärkein?
- Se, joka söi minun leivokseni. Kunhan saan kyseisen henkilön kiinni, niin alkaa paukkua! (tyttö hei, sua vainotaan, äkkiä karkuun! :D )

20. Kasvanko koskaan aikuiseksi?
- Onko kuu juustoa? (Näin se vaan on :D )

21. Olenko sitten ikiteini?
- Valitettavasti olet. Lupaan kyllä etten kerro kellekään! (voi prkl :D )

22. Mikä sana kuvaa minua parhaiten?
- Maailman kaunein asia, kunnes maailma on aivan toisenlainen. (nyt mua helvetti soikoon pelottaa... :/ )