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On ihan epäreiluu jos ei oo reiluu.Sunnuntai 28.10.2007 20:25

Huomennaaaa Mira tuleeeee! Jee jee! Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 17:15

Pitäs siivota huonekki xD

Kellää tunnuksia?Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 16:33

Jos on nii anna ihmeessä.

Why can't life be like a fairy tale?Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 01:08

Why does there have to be mixed feelings. Sure, feelings are apart of life, but still. Wouldn't it be nice if everything would just work out in the nice kind of way? People would not do stupid stuff and make other people cry. Wouldn't that be great? Yes, it would. But it's not like that. People have to feel different feelings and generally feel everything.
One other thing bugs me. The fact of not knowing stuff. I'm sorry if I don't know everything! It's not my fault. Not my fault if I can't do it. Why do you have to ask such things? You must know that everyone can't handle a question that is above them. What ever. I am what I am. Just don't go and mess around with people.

Kotona taas <3 :)Sunnuntai 21.10.2007 00:40

*reps*Perjantai 19.10.2007 01:58

Lydia says:
mut koita nukkua ja ajattele kivoja asioita
Lydia says:
vaikka muo! : D
Dogface says:
Mm-m.. nooh.
Lydia says:
: D
Lydia says:
mut älä ajattele kuitenkaa mtn jännittävää koska sillo et saa unta
Dogface says:
Lydia says:
mitä : D
Dogface says:
Tuo kuulosti siltä että.. mulla ois jotain fantasioita!
Lydia says:
mä meinasin meille tuloa, höspöh!
Dogface says:
Lydia says:
: D
Lydia says:
Miraaa xD Nyt ainaki kuulostas et sul olis : DDD
Dogface says:

Huomenna Harjavaltaan! ^^Keskiviikko 17.10.2007 22:33

"Yes it's x"Keskiviikko 17.10.2007 00:11

Ahhh <3 K oot nii ahh <3