In a dream,
Would you give your love to me,
Beg my broken heart to beat,
Save my life,
Change my mind..
But I am a dreamer
So you sent me away.
Sometimes we dreamers
Just get in the way.
Okay dokay, so this is the drawing I made
for the band called The Midwinter as their
new album's, Trails To The Apocalypse, cover art (:
© Katri K. // katzifilth 2011
Violators will be shot, survivors will be shot again!
The quality isn't the best since I forgot to scan the pic before I gave it away,
so this is the oh so lovely mobile phone quality <3
But I think y'all can see what's in the picture, yes..?
I'm gonna upload a picture of the CD later
[read; when I'm have the energy to take a photo of it],
so ya gonna see the final result then!
I used;
I never te-el ;>