
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 17.07.2007 22:05

The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less.

Mitettikääs tota, ette tajuu koska tää on vaan korkeekoululaisille ja niitä ylempänä olevia tarkoitettu.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 16.07.2007 03:29

LoveSunnuntai 15.07.2007 05:03

how da funk is it possible to fall in love in a song?

Well, I did, I see no other...

"you know, song is never selfish, you can play it many times, and it wont get bored, you can talk to it, ok, it wont reply, but it doesnt say that i should be someone else, like you do. It brings me a good mood, never bad, not like you! so now i know, that a song, that does not have feelings, it doesnt show its emotions, and it doesnt talk, is much better than you"

- Jason Antonov, DS - Recordings
oi, now we see the end of this, it came blazing, didnt have time to miss, too late to last, now its in the past, gone with the wind.

Guess I tryed too much, to make this perfect, but miss, whats with that stupid kiss we had?
So now its my fault? that you got me confused, told me this and that, and now it through... whats up with you?

Break up to make up that's all we do. First you love me then you hate me, that's a game for fools. Never seem to make you happy though heaven knows I try. Dont lie, baby make up your mind, everyday you tell me something new, first day we kiss, then its... ahh fuck you!

I guess you get more confused than I do, baby, Im not a fool, I get you point, me and you will never join. I guess you play (*whisper*ed, ed, ed) with me, I know you didnt do that on purpose, crushed my dreams, walk'd away, like a star thats passing by. What am I supposed to do? Thought I really found somethig that was ment to be, guess I was living in a dream, and there is nothing you can say, you've already told, we met too late, thats a shame, nobody to blame.

I saved you and that's, enough. Live your life, be someones wife, cause you know, I dont want you into my world. Like you said, my world is too complicated, well both just get furstrated.

and fuck what i said, i guess it dont mean shit now...

Time is a factor you cannot change...
Huumausainerikoksista epäiltyjen joukossa on myös alaikäisiä. Festarivierailta löytyi mm. kokaiinia, jota jää haaviin suomalaisissa tapahtumissa erittäin harvoin.

Poliisin tehostettu valvonta Konemetsä-konemusiikkifestivaalilla Varsinais-Suomen Marttilassa on paljastunut lähes 30 huumausainerikosta. Valtaosa oli huumausaineiden käyttörikoksia. Poliisi löysi erilaisia huumausaineita kannabistuotteista kokaiiniin. Festivaali on pieni 4000 kävijän tapahtuma.

Komisario Petri Lamppu Loimaan poliisista kertoo MTV:n uutisille, ettei tehovalvonnan tulos ollut aivan täysin yllätys. Kokaiini on kuitenkin harvinaisempi löytö. Suurin osa tutkinnassa olevista henkilöistä on yli 20-vuotiaita, mutta joukossa on myös pari alle 18-vuotiasta.

Poliisi oli varannut viikonlopuksi lisäresursseja, mutta uskoo silti, ettei tapahtumasta löydetty läheskään kaikkia huumausaineita käyttäviä henkilöitä.

Poliisin mukaan tapahtuma sujui kuitenkin rauhallisesti.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 28.06.2007 02:56

tännän se sit tapahtu. Vetelen siinä kehän alussa espoon suunnassa sellasta 90km/h vauhtii, nään edessä vihreen valon ja edessä auton jonka mä just päästin eteeni.. No ne perkele sit muuttu keltasiks jä tää päätti jarruttaa... mä olin vähän omis maailmois. Ei oikee tullu hoksattua et se pysähtyy jä tässä vaiheessa vauhtia on 70km/h. ei ehdi jarruttamaan, ei millään. No tos ku etäisyyttä oli 15m mä vedin vasemmalle kaistalle ja millin verran jäi tila ku vetäsin ohi jo punaisia päin. Se oli hauska kokemus, olis tullu pahaa jälkeä, mulle lähinnä. Onneks reagointi hoituu 0.4 sekunnissa :) muuten olisin maanantain lehdessä. Thank you god, really.. it was a miracle

*Dear diary of thoughts... wtf?Keskiviikko 20.06.2007 03:59

If something goes wrong, blame the guy who can't speak English.
a woman is like a beer. They look good, they smell good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one! 18.06.2007 16:19

<3 describes my feelings best @ this moment
I did a test, might be the most accurate I've ever done and will do. It's long, but at least I'm happy that the test is really working.

Allthough some parts are 50 to 50, as i did answer on only 155 questions and didnt do the massive 225 question test.

Sociability - friendly, open / Open for sure, deepest secrets to anyone! I donÂ’t know, guess I donÂ’t get embaressed and that lets me be free and open to any new company

Aggressiveness - mild mannered, uncompetitive / Varies, but usually if you have better car, you do! But really, nice car, crib, safe, girl and stuff. So what, I like my things they way they are

Assertiveness - controlling, aggressive / My will is always going to come true, if I try hard

Activity Level - vigorous, high energy / Anytime, any place, IÂ’m always ready. IÂ’ll always find something to do. From am to pm on the run.

Excitement-Seeking - adventurous, wild / Seeking for complicated situations and doing the most stupid things. I donÂ’t know, life has to have that little sparkle, some actions is always welcome

Enthusiasm - cheerful, optimistic / Eventually everything will be ok, we all win. I usually tell my self, in those awful situations: “maybe not now, not tomorrow, not next week, month, year, but it will… still be ok.

Trust - suspicious of others / My trust, isnÂ’t something you get just like that. It just I know this and that, keep my ears open. Not everyone is loyal.

Submissiveness - dutiful, obedient, compliant / @ 100%

Altruism - helpful, selfless, indulgent / Why not? I got will and time, and nothing to do. IÂ’ve got a good heart, but its hidden under a thick cold metal shield.

Cooperation - argumentitive, confrontational / I question you, if I donÂ’t agree. LetÂ’s do it my way? Eh?

Modesty - arrogant, self-satisfied / Ok, if IÂ’m good looking and cool, why should I hide it? I know my possibilities, but I donÂ’t ever, NEVER over estimate them.

Sympathy - callous, heartless / DonÂ’t tell me that your life is hard, mine isnÂ’t easier. Just tired of wankers that complain about things that they have caused or could change by changing themselves. I donÂ’t feel sorry for you, my life isnÂ’t made in heaven

Confidence - confident in work, egoistic / I donÂ’t question my doings, whatÂ’s done is done, I donÂ’t regread Sometimes you just donÂ’t want to look for the answers. ItÂ’s like that, and thatÂ’s the way it is.

Neatness - planner, clean, anal / I look at the mirror sometimes. Actually mirror is my friend. I donÂ’t want to look bad, but IÂ’m not a snob eather.

Dutifulness - honest, rule abiding, proper / I really try to be a good person. Even if I do some shitty things.

Achievement - driven, goal oriented / DonÂ’t change the goal, change the path!
Self-Discipline - responsible, efficient / Say it, do it, done. Hate those who donÂ’t stand behind theyÂ’re words-

Cautiousness - spontaneous, daring, reckless / Ok, I can do some crazy things in the name of love. Ok and dance in the train and act like a child, but hey, its fun.

Anxiety - relaxed, fearless / DonÂ’t be afraid, try to learn from your fear. Then youÂ’ll notice that fear actually teach you a good lessons

Volatility - calm, cool / Sometimes too cool, you donÂ’t have to yell. I havenÂ’t yelled at anyone not a single time in my life. It stupid. We can always talk like a normal people

Depression - content, balanced / I donÂ’t get depressed, and even if I do, It usually lasts from minutes to hours.

Self-Consciousness - confident, assured / Am I good or am I good.

Impulsiveness - high self control / IÂ’m controlling myself most of the times

Vulnerability - resilient, unphased / I don’t do things because “everybody wants to fuck”, so what, I want to be different
Imagination - practical, realistic / Some of us live in dreams, some of us live in realityÂ…. I personally, make my dreams appear in reality

Artistic Interests - artistic indifference / Do what you want to do, I wont judge you by that, if you a dj, cool, rapper, cool, like photographing cool.

Introspection - self searching / IÂ’m a book, I discover new page every day

Adventurousness - spontaneous, bold / Once I was going home by train, but before my train, a train to turku was leaving, I got tired of waiting, so I found my self at cafeteria in turku

Intellect - intellectual, analytical / I think, I love to think

Liberalism - progressive, open / IÂ’m curious

* after every / (slash) theres my comment posted

Need time to think and settle down.Sunnuntai 17.06.2007 02:30

Okay, this is too familiar with me. As my point of view this is just bullshit.
Somebody needs time to get over someone, look at the future and think what you just did.

But there are three questions in these kind of situations.

1. Can you do it?
2. Do you want to do it?
3. When is the best possible moment?

When youÂ’ve answered to those questions, thereÂ’s no return.
If you can, want and you know when, whatÂ’s the point of thinking it backwards?
But all this going over is not so long time. Because if you know you did something right, no-one can convince that you did wrong. There words just vanish in the air.
Its like:

- I think youÂ’re wrong!
- So what? I know this is for my best
- But, I think you could it more carefully
- Fuck that, the result would be the same.

But actually I do get you, I donÂ’t know how long has this been going on, and how hard and hurtful it was to do it. From this point of view you are right. You do deserve some time alone. But baby, IÂ’m made in heaven, believe when I say that youÂ’ll forget about everything around you, except me.

I love surprises, IÂ’ll share some of them with you. But you know what? I think IÂ’ll start from next month. Because you do need time and I need time to an idea that you need time. Time me, time you, time us.

This time I wont get what I want, because that I want is too impossible to get.
And I donÂ’t want no fakes, the real one is inside you, make my day.