All this time with you
Really loved me
Despite my faults and you knew
And you're not coming back
I got a reason to cry
The bottle's empty
The bottle's empty and cold
Just like I've been
Since I heard that you died alone
Finally home now
And I try to accept that you're gone
Wish I could have
Been there for you all along
With your back against the ground
All I want
All I need
Is to make you breathe
All that I want
All that I need
Is to make you breathe
Yeah you failed somehow
But I know that you tried
And you're not coming back
I got a reason to cry
All this time
All this time with you
Really loved me
Despite my faults, you knew
With your back against the ground
All I want
All I need
Is to make you breathe
All that I want
All that I need
Is to make you breathe, yeah
It's all that I want
It's all that I need
Please begin to breathe
All I want
All I need
*sillon ku lähin kokkolasta, tää biisi soi ku katosin kokkipojalta. kävin moikkaan Fitzelliä. itku koko matka rockiin ja siellä vielä muutama tippa.. Onneks Rasmus oli siinä.. hitto et olis ollu vaikee lopettaa itkua ees sekunniks.. piristi se sen verran ettei tänne muuttais kukaa ku yks vitun kommunisti kaupunki <xD> mut silti.. vieläki ikävä sitä tyttöä ihan sikana mut onneks ollaa yhteyksis melkee joka päivä.. mammuki