


Born as balance guardian.

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Let´s make things cryptic. Torstai 22.12.2005 02:19

Today I could say I had a good day. Propably the best of days since my soul vanished into the abyss of pain and woe. I haven´t found it yet and I don´t wish to. I don´t need it. And I´m not saying I´m in pain or even confused. Experience has simply molded me to my current form. And I wish not to change that. I want to be alone, not lonely. That is, if I had to choose one from those two. But for the first time in a time that feels like spending an eternity in a hurricane´s motionless eye, I felt the one thing for a while which I have been without. I could propably name an ocean of people who wouldn´t see that as much, but I do. They say that one can appreciate life only when they really have feared death. To put it in a more usable form to this case : People are thankful of life when they are close to losing it or have lost it for a while (so to speak). The same can apply for this. I´ve tried my best to build a nation from walls around me in order to block myself from social actions anything stronger than dialogue. I have realised that my fight is in vain, and in the end even unhealthy. There´s no need to stop breathing fresh air and living a somewhat satisfying life as long as I remain loyal to my word. My thanks to Galadriel for this. She has a way of putting things to perspective.

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